NABARD Grade A Free Study Material: Videos, Notes, and Mock Tests

NABARd Free Study Material

To crack the NABARD Grade A 2024 exam, you need access to updated, reliable, and affordable study material. This article provides a comprehensive list of high-quality free study material and other online and offline resources for the NABARD Assistant Manager exam of 2024.

Before delving into the free NABARD Grade A preparation material, it is essential to familiarise yourself with the exam pattern and syllabus for each phase.

NABARD Grade A Exam Pattern and Syllabus

While the pattern and syllabus will help you understand the different stages of the exam, the subjects in each stage, the marking scheme, etc, the Previous Year’s Question Papers will help you define the scope of the syllabus, identify the most important topics, assess your strengths, and pinpoint areas for improvement. 

Letโ€™s now come to the topic at hand, i.e., where you can access and download free study material for the NABARD Grade A 2024 exam.

NABARD Grade A Phase 1 Free Material

The NABARD Grade A Phase 1 (Prelims) stage is a single paper comprising 200 objective questions divided into 2 broad sections:

  1. Qualifying (Non-Merit) Sections: Reasoning, English Language, Computer Knowledge, Quantitative Aptitude and Decision Making 
  2. Merit Sections: General Awareness, Economic & Social Issues (with focus on rural India) and Agriculture & Rural Development (with emphasis on rural India). 

Important Note: Shortlisting of the candidates for the Mains (Phase 2) exam is based on marks scored in the merit sections only. 

Let’s now look at the free resources for the merit and non-merit sections of the phase 1 exam. Kindly note that some videos for the non-merit sections may be a bit old. However, the fundamentals of the various subjects remain the same and are useful for the 2024 exam as well.

Free Study Material: Non-Merit Sections

This section provides a list of free video resources for all the non-merit subjects of the NABARD Grade A Phase 1 exam. 

Reasoning Study Material

Here are some free video resources for Reasoning:

1Puzzles and Sitting ArrangementWatch Now
2Inequality + Direction SenseWatch Now
3Syllogism & Blood RelationsWatch Now
4Marathon VideoWatch Now
5Previous Year QuestionsWatch Now

Note: Visit the official website of IndiaBIX for MCQ practice of Reasoning.

Quantitative Aptitude Study Material

Here are some free video resources for Quantitative Aptitude:

1Simplification & Number SeriesWatch Now
2Profit & Loss + Time & Work + Time, Speed, & DistanceWatch Now
3Quadratic Equation & Data InterpretationWatch Now
4Marathon VideoWatch Now
5Previous Year QuestionsWatch Now

Note: Visit the official website of IndiaBIX for MCQ practice of Quantitative Aptitude.

Computer Knowledge Material

Following are some free video resources for Computer Knowledge:

1Marathon VideoWatch Now
2Previous Year QuestionsWatch Now

Note: Visit geeksforgeeks website for detailed theory on the Basics of Computers and its Operations.

Decision Making Study Material

Here are some free video resources for Decision Making:

1Marathon VideoWatch Now
2Previous Year QuestionsWatch Now

English Study Material

Here are some free video resources for English Phase 1:

1Error Detection & Sentence ImprovementWatch Now
2Comprehension + Cloze Test + RearrangementWatch Now
3Marathon VideoWatch Now
4Previous Year QuestionsWatch Now

Note: Reading editorials from English newspapers such as The Hindu & The Economic Times will help you improve your vocabulary and reading speed.

Free Study Material: Merit Sections

The merit sections are a crucial part of the NABARD Grade A Phase 1 exam, so it is important to focus your preparation here. 

General Awareness (GA) Study Material

Aspirants can refer to the following sources for the subject of General Awareness.

  1. Press Information Bureau
  2. Any standard newspaper such as The Hindu
  3. General Awareness NABARD Preparation Video Lecture Playlist

Economic and Social Issues (ESI) Study Material

ESI can be further divided into ESI Static and Current Affairs. The weightage of ESI Static is not very high in Phase 1 as well as Phase 2 of the exam.  It is current affairs that comprise a large chunk of the questions asked in ESI.

The most important topics under ESI current affairs are as follows:

  • Latest Union Budget and Economic Survey
  • Reports + Rankings/Indices 
  • Summits + Conferences 
  • Government Schemes 
  • Important Committees + Commissions 
  • GDP Forecasts
  • Socio-Economic and Caste Census (SECC) & Census 

The recommended sources for ESI current affairs are listed below:

S.No.Name of ResourceWebsiteFree VideosRemarks
1Press Information BureauVisit WebsiteWatch Now(for Govt. reports and schemes)
2Economic SurveyVisit WebsiteWatch Now(the given resource is for year 2023; make sure to study the survey and the budget for the exam year)
3Union BudgetVisit WebsiteWatch Now
4Census of IndiaVisit Website
5NewspapersThe Hindu(or any newspaper with a designated agriculture news section)
The Economic Times
6VikaspediaVisit Website(provides content in many regional languages making it student-friendly)
7PRS Legislative Research IndiaVisit Website
8Official Website of NABARDVisit Website

The most important sources for ESI static are as follows:

S.No.Name of the ResourceVideo
1Economy 2023 by Mrunal PatelWatch Now
2ESI Static Marathon VIdeoWatch Now
3Previous Year QuestionsWatch Now

Additionally, aspirants can also refer to the following resource for ESI static.

  1. Econlib: The Library of Economics and Liberty

Important Note: Aspirants need to remember that official websites and theoretical resources are often exhaustive. They need to be covered selectively based on the subject topics given in the NABARD Grade A syllabus and a thorough analysis of the PYQs.

Agriculture and Rural Development (ARD) Study Material

Like ESI, Agriculture and Rural Development notes can be further divided into ARD Static and Current Affairs. 

Important topics to be covered for ARD current affairs are listed below. 

  • Latest Agriculture census, Livestock census, & Handloom census 
  • Latest Minimum Support Prices (MSPs) released 
  • Latest advance estimates released 
  • Schemes
  • Reports
  • Annual Report of NABARD

The recommended sources for ARD current affairs are listed below:

S.No.Name of ResourceLinkRemarks
1Press Information BureauVisit Website(For Govt. reports and schemes)
2Krishi JagranVisit Website
3BusinessLineVisit Website(or any newspaper with a designated agriculture news section)
4Official Websites of MinistriesMinistry of Rural Development (MoRD)(given are a few examples of syllabus-concerned ministries/organisations)
Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare (MoAFW)
National Bank For Agriculture And Rural Development (NABARD)
5ARD Current AffairsWatch Now

The most important sources for ARD static are as follows:

1FisheriesWatch Now
2Cropping System and Cropping PatternWatch Now
3Rural DevelopmentWatch Now
4Marathon VideoWatch Now
5Previous Year QuestionsWatch Now

Additionally, aspirants can refer to the following resources for ASI static theory. Do note that the listed websites can be exhaustive. Candidates are advised to filter topics based on the syllabus and PYQs.

  1. Tamil Nadu Agricultural University
  2. Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) e-Courses

Next up, we have study material resources for Phase 2 of the NABARD Grade A exam.

NABARD Grade A Free Study Material: Phase 2

The NABARD Grade A Phase 2 comprises two papers of 100 marks each: 

  1. Paper-I: General English (Descriptive)
  2. Paper-II: Economic and Social Issues (ESI) & Agriculture and Rural Development (ARD)

Descriptive English Study Material

The descriptive English paper broadly covers the following topics:

  1. Essay Writing
  2. Letter Writing
  3. Reading Comprehension
  4. Precis Writing
  5. Report Writing

An important point to note here is that candidates need to practise on a keyboard to ensure a good typing speed. The paper is held online and practising using the keyboard will benefit you.

Here are some free video resources for Descriptive English:

1Essay & ReportWatch Now
2PrecisWatch Now
3LetterWatch Now
4Syllabus MarathonWatch Now
5Previous Year QuestionsWatch Now

Do note that these videos are a bit old, however, Descriptive English being a static subject, the fundamentals remain the same and are useful for the 2024 exam.

ESI + ARD Study Material

The syllabus list and preparation material recommendations remain the same for NABARD Grade A Phase 1 and Phase 2 for ESI and ARD. 

However, do note that Phase 2 Paper 2 is divided into 50% objective and 50% descriptive questions. 

NABARD Grade A Important Books

If you want to do well in the NABARD Grade A exam, good study materials are a big help. Our list of NABARD preparation books, written by experts, helps you understand important topics well. 

Phase 1 + 2 Important Books

We’ve added links to buy the mentioned books to make them easy to get. Some books might also be available for free online as PDFs, in Google drives, or you can borrow them from libraries or friends.

Here are the recommended books for NABARD Grade A Phases 1 and 2:

Phase 1 (Non-Merit)ReasoningA Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal ReasoningRS AggarwalBuy Online
Quantitative AptitudeQuantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations (First 9 Chapters)RS AggarwalBuy Online
EnglishEnglish Grammar & CompositionWren & MartinBuy Online
Computer KnowledgeComputer AwarenessArihantBuy Online
Decision MakingPrinciples & Practices of ManagementTN ChhabraBuy Online
Phase 1 (Merit)General KnowledgeGeneral KnowledgeLucentBuy Online
Phase 1 (Merit) + Phase 2Economic & Social IssuesIndian EconomyRamesh SinghBuy Online
Introductory Macroeconomics (11th + 12th)NCERTBuy Online
Social Problems in India Ram AhujaBuy Online
Agriculture and Rural DevelopmentFundamentals of Agriculture (Part 1 + 2)Arun KatyayanBuy Online
Agriculture at a GlanceRK SharmaBuy Online
Competitive Book for AgricultureNemRaj SundaBuy Online
Elements of Agricultural Engineering Dr Jagadeeshwar SahayBuy Online
A Textbook of Animal HusbandryGC BanerjeeBuy Online
Handbook of FisheriesICARBuy Online

Remember to pick the right topics from the books, websites, and other resources we mentioned. Match what you’re studying with what’s in the NABARD Grade A syllabus and past yearโ€™s questions. 

Now that you have a good list of important NABARD Grade A materials, let’s look at the best course available to clear the NABARD Grade A officer exam.

EduTap NABARD Grade A Online Coaching

EduTap offers a 15-day free starter pack for NABARD Grade A exam beginners. It’s a comprehensive resource created by experienced teachers to help you prepare effectively. This course includes videos on different subjects, study notes, practice tests, and more.

This pack gives you a glimpse of what preparing for the NABARD Grade A exam is like. Over 15 days, you’ll learn,

  • why NABARD is a sought-after place to work, 
  • what the exam format is, 
  • who can apply, and 
  • what topics you need to study. 

We’ll also discuss how challenging the exam can be. This free course also covers detailed content for Economic and Social Issues (ESI) and Agriculture and Rural Development (ARD) in line with the latest pattern.

Click here to access the NABARD Grade A FREE Starter Pack by EduTap.

Other Free NABARD Grade A Study Material by EduTap

YouTube Channel: EduTap โ€“ Regulatory Bodies Examinations
Telegram Channel: EduTap โ€“ RBI | NABARD | SEBI | PFRDA | EPFO

Now that we have a comprehensive and carefully curated list of study resources and preparation notes, let’s look at our expert-recommended preparation strategy for the NABARD Grade A exam.

Preparation Strategy for NABARD Grade A 2024

In this section, we’ll outline a simple, step-by-step strategy to help you prepare effectively over nine months. You can tweak this preparation plan as per your requirements. 

Let’s get started!

DaysSlot 1 (4 hours)Slot 2 (4 hours)
60 DaysAgriculture & Rural Development Reasoning
Quantitative Aptitude
45 DaysEconomic & Social IssuesQuantitative Aptitude
Descriptive English (Phase 2)
30 DaysComputer Knowledge + Decision MakingDescriptive English (Phase 2)
English (Phase 1)
60 daysCurrent AffairsEnglish (Phase 1)
Revise Agriculture & Rural Development + 1 Answer Writing per day
35 daysRevise Economic & Social Issues + 1 Answer Writing per day
35 daysRevise Quantitative Aptitude + Reasoning + English (Phase 1)

Following is an approximate breakdown of the above 9-month NABARD Grade A study plan, highlighting subjects covered in each month:

First 60 Days

  1. Your main focus for the first 60 days in the first slot of 4 hours would be the coverage of the static syllabus of Agriculture & Rural Development.
  2. The focus for the second slot would be Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude. You can divide the two subjects for about 30 days each.

Next 45 Days

  1. With about 45 days kept aside for Economic and Social Issues, you should be able to thoroughly cover the important static syllabus for Phase 2 as well.
  2. During the 2nd slot, Quantitative English and Descriptive English should be your priority. 

Following 30 Days

  1. Dedicate the first slot of the day to Decision Making and Computer Knowledge for the next 30 days. 
  2. Continue to practise typing Descriptive English essays, letters, and precis.
  3. During the 2nd slot, include MCQs of English (Phase 1) as well. 

Next 60 Days

  1. With the majority of the syllabus covered, you are now left with Current Affairs. We recommend following EduTapโ€™s Playlist for quick and updated syllabus coverage.
  1. During the second slot, as your English syllabus is now well-prepared, start drafting a revision plan. 
  2. You can begin by revising the ARD syllabus through summary sheets and practice writing at least 1 answer every day. 

Next 35 Days

  1. Continue covering the Current Affairs.
  2. For your second slot, take up revision of ESI with 1 answer writing practice every day.

Last 35 Days

  1. By now you should be confident about your preparation for NABARD Grade A 2024. 
  2. Keep focusing on the current affairs for the 1st slot.
  3. Take up revision of QRE for the second half.

Important Note:

  • Make sure to consistently practise answer writing on all topics covered in the syllabus.
  • Practice typing answers for Descriptive English on a keyboard only.
  • Include time slots for revision at regular intervals.
  • Take regular mock exams to get a feel for the exam format and to identify your areas of weakness.

It is important to stay positive and confident throughout your preparation for the competitive NABARD Grade A 2024 exam. 


The right study material will advance you towards NABARD Grade A exam success. It acts as a compass, guiding you through the vast syllabus and helping you focus on important topics. We understand that the syllabus can be exhaustive. However, having a thoughtfully curated list of books, insightful notes, informational videos, and challenging mock tests can help ease the process.


1. How many questions are there in NABARD Grade A Phase 1, and what’s the paper structure?

The NABARD Grade A Phase 1 comprises 200 questions divided into 8 sections, with 5 qualifying and 3 merit-based sections.

2. Do I need separate study material for ARD and ESI Phase 1 and Phase 2 of NABARD Grade A?

The syllabus for Economic and Social Issues (ESI) and Agriculture and Rural Development (ARD) is the same for both phases, so you can use the same study material.

3. What’s the key to preparing for NABARD Grade A Phase 2 Descriptive English?

Practice typing on a keyboard, read newspaper editorials, and stay updated on current affairs for Agriculture and Rural Development (ARD) and Economic and Social Issues (ESI).

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