Download RBI Grade B Previous Year Solved Papers: Phase 1 & 2

RBI Previous Years Questions

Are you looking for the solved previous year’s questions of RBI Grade B? Your search ends here! We have carefully curated year-wise solved PYQs of RBI Grade B exam of the last 5 years. We hope that these help you in your journey of becoming a Manager at RBI.

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Now that you can access RBI Grade B previous years’ question papers with detailed solutions, it’s time to analyse them to understand the exam’s difficulty level and identify important topics.

But first, familiarise yourself with the RBI Grade B exam pattern, marking scheme, and syllabus for each phase. The exam pattern provides insights into the structure, types, and numbers of questions, aiding in strategic planning. Understanding the syllabus offers clarity on the areas to focus on, allowing efficient allocation of study time.

RBI Grade B Previous Years Question Papers Analysis

Analysing the RBI Grade B previous years’ question papers provides insights into the difficulty level, performance trends, and important topics. Below, we have explained the subject-wise trend analysis for the RBI Grade B previous years’ papers.

RBI Grade B Previous Years Question Papers Analysis of Phase 1

Here is the PYQ analysis of the RBI Grade B Phase 1:

Reasoning PYQ Analysis of RBI Grade B

We have analysed the year-wise trend of the number of questions asked from each topic of reasoning from 2017 to 2023 to identify the difficulty level and most important topics.

Number of Questions 
Seating Arrangement14101311106
Puzzle 152010151016
Analytical Reasoning91212101010
Alphanumeric Symbolic Series200230
Input Output555505
Data Sufficiency453053
Coding Decoding303400
Blood Relation235095
Direction Sense001434
Ranking & Order003100

Difficulty Level of Reasoning Section of RBI Grade B

The table below contains the year-wise distribution of easy, moderate, and difficult questions out of the total number of reasoning questions from 2017 to 2023.

Reasoning Difficulty Level Phase 1 
Total Questions606060606060

We have carefully analysed the number of questions asked from each topic of reasoning in the past years to identify the important topics.

Important Reasoning Topics for RBI Grade B

Based on our analysis, here are the most important reasoning topics:

  • Alphabetical, Alphanumeric Series
  • Coding & Decoding
  • Machine Input Output
  • Syllogism
  • Direction Sense
  • Inequality
  • Ranking
  • Blood Relation
  • Seating Arrangement
  • Puzzles

Quant PYQ Analysis of RBI Grade B

We have analysed the year-wise trend of the number of questions asked from each quant topic from 2017 to 2023 to identify the difficulty level and most important topics.

Number of Questions 
Data Interpretation15147101015
2D, 3D, & Probability 110112
Quantity Comparison326055
Ages, Partnership102111
Time & Distance000213
Time & Work, Pipes000111
Alligation Mixture000011
Simple & Compound Interest121012
Wrong, Number Series331450
Profit & Loss000330
Ratio & Proportion001110
Data Sufficiency003400
Statement Based Questions225000
Quadratic Equation240000
Boats & Stream110000

Difficulty Level of Maths Section of RBI Grade B

The table below contains the year-wise distribution of easy, moderate, and difficult questions out of the total number of quant questions from 2017 to 2023.

Quant Difficulty Level Phase 1 
Total Questions303030303030

We have carefully analysed the number of questions asked from each quant topic in the past years to identify the important questions.

Important Quantitative Aptitude Topics for RBI Grade B

Based on our analysis, here are the most important quantitative topics:

  • Number Series
  • Percentage
  • Profit & Loss
  • Quadratic Equation
  • Time, Speed, & Distance
  • Ratio
  • Data Interpretation

General Awareness PYQ Analysis of RBI Grade B

We have analysed the year-wise trend of the number of questions asked from each general awareness topic from 2017 to 2023 to identify the difficulty level and most important topics.

GA General Analysis Phase 1 

Here is the general analysis of Phase 1:

GA General Analysis Phase 1 
Total Questions808080808080
TypeCurrent Affairs746668684955
GA Current Affairs Analysis Phase 1 

Here is the GA current affairs analysis of phase 1:

GA Current Affairs Analysis
Total Questions746668684955
Type of QuestionsPhase 1 Specific GA253031463026
ESI Current Affairs191113131213
Finance/RBI Notification1412108614
GA Static Analysis Phase 1 

Here is the GA static analysis of phase 1:

GA Static Analysis 
Total Questions61412123125
Type of QuestionsFinance Static450000
ESI Static230000
International Organizationโ€‹040000
Places in Newsโ€‹020000
National Parksโ€‹001100
Regional Festivalsโ€‹001100
Location of lakes/waterfallsโ€‹001000
Location of headquartersโ€‹001500
Banking Awarenessโ€‹007043
Location of Airports000100
Defence and Science & Tech.โ€‹000032
Personalities in Newsโ€‹000055
Events – International000023
Events – Nationalโ€‹000064

Difficulty Level of GA for RBI Grade B

The table below contains the year-wise distribution of easy, moderate, and difficult questions out of the total number of GA questions from 2017 to 2023.

GA Difficulty Level
Total Questions808080808080

We have carefully analysed the number of questions asked from each general awareness topic in the past years to identify the important topics.

Important General Awareness Topics for RBI Grade B

General awareness questions can be asked from any of the above-mentioned topics. Therefore, it’s essential to regularly follow reputable newspapers, news websites, official government portals, and magazines to stay informed about these current affairs topics. 

English PYQ Analysis of RBI Grade B

We have analysed the year-wise trend of the number of questions asked from each topic of English from 2017 to 2023 to identify the difficulty level and most important topics.

Number of Questions 
Reading Comprehension7613111010
Sentence Correction524004
Sentence Completion040002
Fill in the Blanks030503
Statement Correction020003
Idiom/Phrases Usage002053
Word Replacement420505
Double Fillers030050
Sentence Rearrangement540050
Cloze Test005500
Sentence Connectors003000
Error Detection543400
Word Reshuffle 400000

Difficulty Level of English for RBI Grade B

The table below contains the year-wise distribution of easy, moderate, and difficult questions out of the total number of English questions from 2017 to 2023.

English Difficulty Level
SNo.YearDifficulty Level
12023Easy to Moderate
22022Moderate to Difficult
32021Moderate to Difficult
42019Easy to Moderate
52018Moderate to Difficult
62017Moderate to Difficult

We have carefully analysed the number of questions asked from each topic of English in the past years to identify the important questions.

Important English Topics for RBI Grade B

Based on our analysis, here are the most important English topics:

  • Grammar
    • Subject-Verb Agreement
    • Tenses
    • Conditional Sentences
    • Preposition
    • Complex Preposition
    • Conjunction
    • Advance Verbs
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Cloze Test
  • Double Fillers
  • Sentence Improvement
RBI Grade B Important Topics

RBI Grade B Previous Years Question Papers Analysis of Phase 2

Here is the PYQ analysis of the RBI Grade B Phase 2:

Finance and Management Objective PYQ Analysis Phase 2

We have analysed the year-wise trend of the number of objective questions asked from each topic of finance and management from 2019 to 2023 to identify the difficulty level and most important topics.

YearTotal QuestionsTotal MarksTotal QuestionsTotal Marks
Finance Objective PYQ Analysis Phase 2

Here is the analysis of objective-type PYQs of finance phase 2:

Total Marks
Fiscal Policy100
Alternate Source of Finance200
Forex Markets100
Financial Institutions 100
Corporate Governance in Banking Sector1000
Financial Inclusion1000
Banking and Financial System060
Primary and Secondary Markets0813
Changing Landscape in Banking Sector001
Union Budget003
Management Objective PYQ Analysis Phase 2

Here is the analysis of objective-type PYQs of management phase 2:

Total Marks
Corporate Governance 280
Personality and Perception111
Emotional Intelligence and Interpersonal Behavior101
General Management211
Fundamental of Organisational Behavior064
Organisational Change015

Finance and Management Subjective PYQ Analysis Phase 2

We have analysed the year-wise trend of the number of subjective questions asked from each topic of finance and management to identify the difficulty level and most important topics.

SubjectFinance Management 
YearTotal QuestionsTotal MarksTotal QuestionsTotal Marks
Finance and Management Subjective PYQ Analysis Phase 2

Here is the analysis of subjective type PYQs of finance and management phase 2:

Total Marks
Personality & Perception1500
General Management1500
Current Affairs 35100
Organization Change0150
Global Financial Crisis0100
Concept of Reinforcement0010
Corporate Governance0015
Risk Management0015
Financial Institutions0015
Union Budget0010

Finance and Management Phase 2 Objective Difficulty Level

The table below contains the year-wise distribution of easy, moderate, and difficult questions out of the total number of objective finance and management questions from 2019 to 2023.

Finance and Management Difficulty Level Phase 2 (Objective)
Total Questions30303075

Finance and Management Phase 2 Subjective Difficulty Level

The table below contains the year-wise distribution of easy, moderate, and difficult questions out of the total number of subjective finance and management questions from 2021 to 2023.

Finance and Management Difficulty Level Phase 2 (Subjective)
Total Questions666

We have carefully analysed the number of questions asked from each general finance and management topic in the past years to identify the important questions.

Important Finance and Management Topics for RBI Grade B

Based on our analysis, here are the most important finance and management topics:

Finance (Objective)

Here are the most important topics for finance objective:

  • Primary and secondary markets (Forex, Money, Bond, Equity, etc.), functions, instruments, and recent developments.
  • Risk Management in the Banking Sector
  • Inflation: Definition, trends, estimates, consequences and remedies (control): WPI- CPI – components and trends; striking a balance between inflation and growth through monetary and fiscal policies
  • Basics of Derivatives
  • Functions of the Reserve Bank of India
  • Monetary and Fiscal Policy  
  • Who Regulates What? (Regulator of Banks and Financial Institutions)
  • Current Affairs: RBI Notification (Past 6 months), News related to SEBI – Capital Markets, News Related to Ministry of Finance, Union Budget
Finance (Subjective)

Here are some of the important chapters based on the previous years’ question papers analysis:

  • Recent Developments in the Global Financial System and its Impact on Indian Financial System
  • Global financial markets and International Banking โ€“ broad trends and latest developments
  • Financial Inclusion
  • Alternate source of finance, private and social cost-benefit, Public-Private Partnership
  • Corporate Governance in the Banking Sector, the role of e-governance in addressing issues of corruption and inefficiency in the government sector.
Management (Objective)

Here are the most important topics for management objective:

  • Motivation
  • Leadership
  • Communication
  • General Management
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Personality and Perception 
  • Conflict
  • Organizational Change and Reinforcement
  • Corporate Governance
  • Ethics
Management (Subjective)

Here are some of the important chapters based on the previous years’ question papers analysis:

  • Leadership
  • Communication
  • General Management
  • Organizational Change & Reinforcement
  • Corporate Governance
  • Ethics

English PYQ Analysis Phase 2

We have analysed the year-wise trend of the number of questions asked from English from 2019 to 2023 to identify the difficulty level and most important topics.

English PYQ Analysis Phase 2
Total Marks
SNo.Essay Topics2023202220212019
3Current Affairs1111

Difficulty Level of English for RBI Grade B

The table below contains the year-wise distribution of easy, moderate, and difficult questions out of the total number of English essay questions from 2021 to 2023.

English Essay Difficulty Level Phase 2
Total Questions4445

Important English Topics for RBI Grade B

English questions can be asked from any of the above-mentioned essay topics. Therefore, it’s essential to cover ESI and finance and management syllabus and regularly follow reputable newspapers, news websites, official government portals, and magazines to stay informed about these current affairs topics. 

Economic and Social Issues Objective PYQ Analysis Phase 2

We have analysed the year-wise trend of the number of objective questions asked from each topic of economic and social issues to identify the difficulty level and most important topics.

SubjectEconomicSocial Issues
YearTotal QuestionsTotal MarksTotal QuestionsTotal Marks

Economic and Social Issues Objective PYQ Analysis Phase 2

Here is the analysis of objective-type PYQs of economic and social issues phase 2:

Total Marks
Government Schemes1430
General ESI Current Affairs1614

Economic and Social Issues Subjective PYQ Analysis Phase 2

We have analysed the year-wise trend of the number of subjective questions asked from each topic of economic and social issues to identify the difficulty level and most important topics.

SubjectEconomic IssuesSocial Issues
YearTotal QuestionsTotal MarksTotal QuestionsTotal Marks

Economic and Social Issues Subjective PYQ Analysis Phase 2

Here is the analysis of subjective type PYQs of economic and social issues phase 2:

Total Marks
Sustainable Development and Environmental Issues150
Urbanisation and Migration1515
Gender Issues150
Industrial Developments in India100
Monetary Policy since Reforms of 19911010
Poverty Alleviation and Employment Generation100
Financial System015
Economic History of India015
Indian Money and Financial Markets015
Social Sectors in India010

Economic and Social Issues Phase 2 Objective Difficulty Level

The table below contains the year-wise distribution of easy, moderate, and difficult questions out of the total number of objective economic and social issues questions from 2019 to 2023.

Economic and Social Issues Difficulty Level Phase 2 (Objective)
Total Questions30303065

Economic and Social Issues Phase 2 Subjective Difficulty Level

The table below contains the year-wise distribution of easy, moderate, and difficult questions out of the total number of subjective economic and social issues questions from 2021 to 2023.

Economic and Social Issues Difficulty Level Phase 2 (Subjective)
Total Questions666

We have carefully analysed the number of questions asked from each topic of economic and social issues in the past years to identify the important questions.

Important ESI Topics for RBI Grade B

Based on our analysis, here are the most important ESI topics:

ESI (Objective)

Here are the most important topics for ESI objective:

  • Measurement of Growth
  • Fiscal Policy
  • Monetary Policy
  • Balance of Payment
  • Poverty Alleviation & Employment Generation
  • Sustainable Development & Environmental Issues
  • Industrial & Labour Policy, Industrial Development
  • International Economic Institutions
  • Current Affairs: Reports, Schemes, Union Budget, and Economic Survey
ESI (Subjective)

Here are some of the important chapters based on the previous years’ question papers analysis:

  • Growth and Development โ€“ Poverty Alleviation and Employment Generation in India โ€“ Sustainable Development and Environmental Issues.
  • Indian Economy โ€“Monetary Policyโ€“ Priorities and Recommendations of Economic Survey and Union Budget โ€“ Industrial Developments in India- Indian Agriculture.
  • Globalization โ€“Export-Import Policy
  • Social Structure in India โ€“ Multiculturalism โ€“ Demographic Trends โ€“ Urbanisation and Migration โ€“ Gender Issues โ€“ Social Justice; Positive Discrimination in favour of the underprivileged โ€“ Social Movements  โ€“  Indian political System โ€“ Human Development โ€“ Social Sectors in India, Health and Education.


Analysing the RBI Grade B previous years’ question papers with solutions enables aspirants to gain valuable insights into the exam. It helps you understand exam pattern, important topics, and difficulty levels of questions asked in the paper. Practising these PYQs allows you to identify strong and weak areas to refine your preparation strategies accordingly.


1. Where can I get the explanations for RBI Grade B PYQs?

We’ve provided the link to get comprehensive answers and explanations for the PYQs within the article, allowing you to get a thorough understanding and enabling self-assessment.

2. How many years should I consider while solving RBI Grade B PYQs?

Solving PYQs from at least the last five years is advisable to get a good grasp of the exam pattern and evolving trends.

3. Why are RBI Grade B PYQs important for preparation?

Analysing and solving RBI Grade B PYQs offers various benefits. It helps youย 

1) Understand the pattern and structure of the exam
2) Identify recurring topics and areas with higher weightage
3) Gauge the difficulty levels of questions over the years
4) Enhance your speed and accuracy in solving problems
5) Learn time management, a crucial skill for competitive exams
6) Analyse your weak areas

4. Can I solely rely on solving PYQs for RBI Grade B preparation?

Although PYQs can help you understand the exam pattern, syllabus, difficulty level, and trends, you cannot rely entirely on them. A comprehensive preparation should also include studying from various sources and practising multiple questions.

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