Topics Covered: CAIIB Preparation Strategy, CAIIB ABM Preparation Strategy, CAIIB BFM Preparation Strategy, CAIIB ABFM Preparation Strategy, CAIIB BRBL Preparation Strategy, CAIIB Preparation Important Books & Resources, CAIIB Preparation Important Topics, CAIIB Preparation Important Chapters, and CAIIB Preparation Timetable

Feeling overwhelmed by CAIIB preparation amidst a busy work schedule? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. With a focused CAIIB preparation strategy, you can turn the odds in your favor. And this article is here to help.

Below, we have provided a detailed CAIIB preparation strategy that includes important topics, chapters, and modules for every CAIIB subject, along with the important books & resources.

By following this CAIIB strategy, you can streamline your preparation and qualify CAIIB quickly!

CAIIB 2025 Preparation Strategy

CAIIB is a qualifying exam where you just have to clear the cut-off, i.e., score more than or equal to 50 marks in each subject. You don’t have to cover the entire syllabus to do this.

Before jumping right into the CAIIB preparation strategy, make sure you are familiar with the latest CAIIB Pattern.

Now, the question is, which topics should you cover?

Make sure you are familiar with the latest CAIIB syllabus as well.

Based on our analysis of CAIIB previous year’s questions, we have identified high-weightage topics and chapters of all CAIIB subjects that you must prioritize.

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  • Important Topics of ABM
  • Important Topics of BFM
  • Important Topics of ABFM
  • Important Topics of BRBL

CAIIB ABM Preparation Strategy: Important Topics and Chapters

Here are the module-wise important topics and chapters of CAIIB ABM:


Most Important Topics
Module A
Introduction to StatisticsCollection of Data
Frequency Distribution
Sampling TechniquesTypes of Sampling
Concept of Standard Error
Central Limit Theorem
Measures of Central TendencyMean – Arithmetic, Geometric, Harmonic
Median & Quartiles
Dispersion; Skewness & Kurtosis
Correlation & RegressionCorrelation & Regression
Standard Error
Time SeriesVariations – Cyclical, Seasonal, Irregular
Trend Analysis & Forecasting
Theory of ProbabilityTypes of Events
Binomial Distribution
Standard Deviation of Random Variable
EstimationEstimates – Interval & Point
Confidence Intervals
Proportion from Large Samples
Linear ProgrammingGraphic & Simplex Method
SimulationSimulation Exercise & Methodology


Most Important Topics
Module B
Fundamentals of HRMRelationship b/w HRM and HRD
Strategic HRM & Role of HR Manager
Development of HRMJob Analysis (JD, JS and JE)
Training (SAT), Attitude (Functions)
Career Planning, Talent Mgt, Succession
Self-Development (Motivation, Locus of Control, Power Base, Transactional Analysis)
Human Implications of OrganizationsBehavioural Theories (Psychoanalytical, Self-concept, Left/Right Brain)
Motivation Theories (Talor, Mayo, Maslow, Herzberg, Vroom, Adams, Skinner)
Diversity & Gender Issues
Employees’ Feedback and Reward systemCompensation Theories
Job Evaluation Techniques
Performance ManagementAppraisal Methods (MBO, 360 degree)
Competency Mapping, Assessment Centers
Conflict Management and NegotiationMeaning, Types & Reasons for Conflict
Conflict Management (Process, Skills)
HRM and Information TechnologyHRIS – HR Information System
HRMS – HR Management System
E-HRM, HR Analytics


Most Important Topics
Module C
Overview of Credit ManagementComponents of Credit Management
Role of RBI Guidelines (PSL Targets, Exposure Norms, MSME Guidelines, etc.)
Asset Classification & Provisioning Norms
Analysis of Financial StatementsComponents & Users of Information
Key Items of Format (Companies Act ’13)
Techniques – Fund Flow, Ratios, Trends
Working Capital FinanceRBI Guidelines on Rediscounting, TReDS
Commercial Paper, Factoring, Forfaiting
Term LoansDeferred Payment Guarantee
Project Appraisal (including Infrastructure – Types, Prudential Requirements)
Credit DeliveryThird Party Guarantees, Security Possession
Consortium Lending and Syndication
Credit ControlTools of Credit Control and Monitoring
Risk Management & Credit RatingInternal & External Ratings
Use of Credit Derivatives & Concerns
RBI Guidelines on Credit Risk Management
Restructuring/Rehabilitation and RecoveryStressed Assets, NPAs, Willful Default
Options Available to Banks (Restructuring, DRTs, SARFAESI Act, Write Off, etc.)
RBI Guidelines & Frameworks
Resolution of Stressed Assets under IBCApplicability, Legal Elements
Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process


Most Important Topics
Module D
Compliance FunctionPrinciples, Process & Procedures
Role of Chief Compliance Officer
Compliance AuditAudit Committee, Head Internal Audit
Reporting Framework and Disclosure Requirements
Compliance Governance StructureOrg. Structure- COO, BOD, Audit Committee
Compliance Structure – Corporate, Field
Internal Control
Identification of Compliance IssuesCompliance Issues & Compliance Risk
Loan Review Mechanism (Credit Audit)
Compliance Culture & GRC FrameworkGRC Framework
Whistleblower Policy
Compliance Function and Role of CCO in NBFCsSBR (Scale Based Regulation) of NBFCs
Compliance Function in NBFC – UL, ML
Fraud and Vigilance in BanksDefinition – Fraud, Forgery
Various Types of Present-Day Frauds
RBI Guidelines – Fraud Reporting & Vigilance

Curious about your CAIIB ABM preparation? Find out everything you need to know about CAIIB ABM preparation strategy right here.

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  • Important Topics of ABM
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  • Important Topics of ABFM
  • Important Topics of BRBL

CAIIB BFM Preparation Strategy: Important Topics and Chapters

Here are the module-wise important topics and chapters of CAIIB BFM:


Most Important Topics
Module A
Exchange Rates and Forex Business Characteristics of Forex Markets 
RBI/FEDAI Guidelines 
Foreign Exchange Arithmetic 
Liberalised Remittance Scheme (LRS) and Other Remittance Facilities for Residents Key Sections Under FEMA vis-à-vis Liberalised Remittance Scheme (LRS) 
Capital Account Transactions 
Correspondent Banking and NRI Accounts Electronics Modes of Transmission 
NRI Accounts 
Documentary Letters of Credit (LC) Definition of LC 
Parties Involved in LC and Their Role 
Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits 
Facilities for Exporters and Importers Export Data Processing and Monitoring System (EDPMS) 
Exchange and Trade Control Guidelines for Exporters & Importers 
Trade Credit 
External Commercial Borrowings and Foreign Investments in India Concept of External Commercial Borrowings (ECBs) 
Operational Guidelines 
Risks in Foreign Trade – Role of ECGC Types of Risks in International Trade 
ECGC Ltd. – Role and Products 
Role of EXIM Bank, Reserve Bank of India, Exchange Control in India-FEMA and FEDAI and Others EXIM Bank – Role and Functions 
International Financial Service Centre (IFSC), GIFT City Regulatory Framework with Respect to IFSCs 
Entities at GIFT City 
Technology in International Banking Digital Platforms in International Banking 
FINTECH in International Banking 


Most Important Topics
Module B
Risk and Basic Risk Management Framework Concept of Risk 
Risk Management Framework 
Risks in Banking Business Risk Identification 
Banking Risks – Definitions 
Risk Regulations in Banking Industry Basel III Accords 
Market Risk Market Risk Identification 
Risk Measurement 
Risk Reporting 
Credit Risk Measurement and Management of Credit Risk 
Credit Risk Through Loan Review Mechanism (LRM) 
Operational Risk and Integrated Risk Management Concepts of Operational Risk and Integrated Risk Management 
Operational Risk Management 
Liquidity Risk Management Liquidity Risk Management – Need & Importance 
Overseas Operations of the Indian Banks’ Branches and Subsidiaries and Branches of Foreign Banks in India 
Basel-III Framework on Liquidity Standards Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) 
Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR) 


Most Important Topics
Module C
Introduction to Treasury Management Treasury Management – Concept 
Treasury Products Products of Forex Markets and Money Markets 
International Equity and Debt Products Regulatory Environment 
GDRs & IDRs 
Funding and Regulatory Aspects CRR & SLR 
Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF) 
Treasury Risk Management Value at Risk (VaR) 
Use of Derivatives in Risk Management 
Derivative Products Types of Derivative Products 
RBI Guidelines on Risk Exposure 
Treasury and Asset-Liability Management Meaning of Asset-Liability Management 


Most Important Topics
Module D
Components of Assets and Liabilities in Bank’s Balance Sheet and Their Management Components of Assets and Liabilities in Bank’s Balance Sheet 
Asset Liability Management as Co-ordinated Balance Sheet Management 
Capital Adequacy-Basel Norms Pillars of Basel Norms 
Asset Classification and Provisioning Norms Asset Classification and NPAs 
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (IBC) 
Liquidity Management Meaning of Liquidity Risk Management 
Types of Liquidity Risks 
Interest Rate Risk Management Sources of Interest Rate Risks 
Interest Rate Risk Measurement Techniques 
RBI Guidelines on Interest rate Risk in Banking Book 
RAROC and Profit Planning Risk Adjusted Return on Capital (RAROC) 
Risk Aggregation and Capital Allocation 

Curious about your CAIIB BFM preparation? Find out everything you need to know about CAIIB BFM preparation strategy right here.

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  • Important Topics of ABM
  • Important Topics of BFM
  • Important Topics of ABFM
  • Important Topics of BRBL

CAIIB ABFM Preparation Strategy: Important Topics and Chapters

Here are the module-wise important topics and chapters of CAIIB ABFM:


Most Important Topics
Module A
Basics of Management Functions of Management 
Management Thoughts & Approaches 
Business Environment Analysis 
Planning Fundamentals of Planning 
Plan Components 
Organizing Types of Organisations 
Organisational Change 
Conflict Dynamics 
Staffing Facets of Staffing 
Knowledge and Learning Management 
Performance Appraisal 
Directing Characteristics of Directing 
Leadership, Motivation, Communication, Supervision 
Controlling Characteristics of Controlling 
Relation between Planning and Control 


Most Important Topics
Module B
Sources of Finance and Financial Strategies Alternative Financing Strategies 
Financial and Operating Leverages Degree of Financial Leverage, Its Behaviour 
Degree of Operating Leverage, Its Behaviour 
Capital Investment Decisions Estimation of Project Cash Flows 
Social Cost Benefit Analysis 
Capital Budgeting for International Project Investment Decisions Foreign Investment Analysis 
Approaches for Evaluation of Overseas Projects 
Adjustment of Risk and Uncertainty in Capital Budgeting Decision Sources & Perspectives on Risk 
Sensitivity & Scenario Analysis 
Risk Analysis in Practice 
Decision Making Decision Making using Cost-Volume-Profit (CVP) Analysis, 
Decision Making using Activity Based Costing (ABC), 
Ethical and Non-Financial Considerations Relevant to Decision Making


Most Important Topics
Module C
Corporate Valuation Approaches to Corporate Valuation 
Discounted Cash Flow Valuation Approaches to Discounted Cash Flow Models 
Other Non-DCF Valuation Models Equity Valuation Multiples Model 
Book Value Approach Model 
Special Cases of Valuation Valuation of Cash and Cross Holdings, Warrants and Convertibles 
Cyclical & Non-Cyclical Companies 
Mergers, Acquisitions and Restructuring All the topics in the chapter are very important 
Deal Structuring and Financial Strategies Tax and Accounting Considerations 
Tax Reliefs & Benefits in Case of Amalgamation in India 
Financing of Cross Border Acquisitions in India 


Most Important Topics
Module D
Hybrid Finance Advantages and Disadvantages of Hybrid Securities 
Types of Hybrid Securities 
Features of Convertible Debentures 
Startup Finance Benefits to Startup Under the Startup Plan 
Challenges Faced by Startups 
State Startup Policy 
Funding Schemes and Programmes, Programs Running in 2022, 
International Challenges and Bridges
Private Equity and Venture Capital Characteristics of Venture Capital Investments 
Characteristics Shared by Private Equity and Venture Capital, as well as Their Key Distinctions 
Advantages and Disadvantages of Venture Capital Funding 
Benefits and Drawbacks to the Practice of Private Equity 
Companies in India that Deal in Private Equity 
Growth of India’s Private Equity Market 
Legal and Administrative Structure of India 
Crucial Stages in the Process of Investing in Private Equity
Artificial Intelligence Applicability of Artificial Intelligence 
Artificial Intelligence in Banking and Finance 
Control theory and Cybernetics 
Tools & Techniques of Artificial Intelligence 
Artificial Intelligence and Morality
Business Analytics as Management Tool Elements of Business Analytics 
Web and Mobile Analytics 
Green and Sustainable Financing ISO Standards for Green Finance 
Progress of Green Finance in India 
Growth of Regulatory Framework 
National Efforts towards Green and Sustainable Financing 
RBI Views on Climate Risk and Sustainable Finance
Special Purpose Acquisition Companies Advantages of SPAC 
Disadvantages of SPAC 
Characteristics of SPACs, Process, SPAC Capital Structure, Trust Account, Warrants, Forward Purchase, IPO Agreements, 
De-SPAC Process

Check out our expert tips for CAIIB ABFM preparation to give your studies the right direction.

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  • Important Topics of BRBL

CAIIB BRBL Preparation Strategy: Important Topics and Chapters

Here are the module-wise important topics and chapters of CAIIB BRBL:


Most Important Topics
Module A
Legal Framework of Regulation of Banks Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 
Banking Regulation Act, 1949 
Control over Organization of Banks Licensing of Banking Companies 
Paid-up Capital and Reserves 
Shareholding in Banking Companies 
Regulation of Banking Business Regulation of Interest Rates 
Regulation of Payment Systems 
Banking Ombudsman 
Returns, Inspection, Winding Up, Mergers & Acquisitions Acquisition of Undertakings 
Amalgamation of Banks 
Annual Accounts and Balance Sheet 
Audit and Auditors 
Different Categories of Banks Full Chapter 
Regulation of Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) Regulators of NBFCs 
Prudential Guidelines 
Bank Finance to NBFCs registered/not requiring registration with RBI 
Co-Lending by banks and NBFCs to Priority Sector Advances (PSA) 
Financial Sector Legislative Reforms and Financial Stability and Development Council Narasimham Committees 
Reforms in Monetary Policy 
Reforms in Financial Markets 
Reforms in Forex Market


Most Important Topics
Module B
The Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 Offence of Money Laundering 
Obligations of Banking Companies, Financial Institutions, and Intermediaries 
Enhanced Due Diligence 
Records to be Maintained
Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 Records to be Maintained 
Payment of Cheques – Protection to Bankers’/Customers’
Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 Important Terms Used in FEMA 
Powers of RBI with Respect to Authorized Persons 
Contravention, Penalties, Adjudication, and Appeals
Payment & Settlement Systems Act, 2007 Regulation and Supervision by the RBI 
Settlement and Netting 
Power of RBI to make regulations
Law Relating to Securities and Modes of Charge – I Types of Mortgage 
Law Relating to Securities and Modes of Charge – II Full Chapter 
Creation/Registration and Satisfaction of Charges Effect of Registration of Charges 
Effect of Nonregistration of Charges 


Most Important Topics
Module C
Reserve Bank – Integrated Ombudsman Scheme, 2021 Procedure for Redressal of Grievance 
Procedure for Filing a Complaint 
Suspension of the Scheme
The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006 Coverage and Definitions 
Summary of Regulation 
National Board for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (NBMSME)
SARFAESI Act Asset Reconstruction 
Central Registry 
Enforcement of Security Interest 
Reconstruction and Security Interest Transactions 
Non-Applicability of the Provisions of the SARFAESI Act in Certain Cases
Debt Recovery Tribunal/ The Recovery of Debts and Bankruptcy Act, 1993 Application and Definitions in Act 
Application to the Tribunal, Appeal to the Appellate Tribunal 
Modes of Recovery of Debts
Introduction to the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 The Insolvency Resolution Process for Companies and Limited Liability Entities, 
Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process (CIRP) 
The Bankers’ Books Evidence Act, 1891 Applicability and Definitions 
Case in which Officer of Bank not Compellable to Produce Books 
The Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987: Lok Adalats Full Chapter 
The Consumer Protection Act, 2019 Central Consumer Protection Authority, 
District, State and National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission 
The Law of Limitation Acts Giving Rise to Fresh Period of Limitation Certain Important Provisions in Schedule to the Limitation Act 
Tax Laws Full Chapter 


Most Important Topics
Module D
Indian Contract Act Key Components to Form a Contract Essentials of a Valid Contract 
Contracts of Indemnity 
Contracts of Guarantee 
Contract of Bailment 
Contract of Pledge 
Contract of Agency
Contract of Sale Important Terms Defined Under the Sale of Goods Act, 1930 
Distinction between a Sale and an Agreement to Sell 
Rights of an Unpaid Seller 
Implied Conditions and Warranties
Partnership Firms Essential Characteristics 
Types of Partnership 
Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) 
Liability of the Firm for Wrongful Acts of a Partner 
Liability of Firm for Misapplication by Partners 
Legal position after the Minor attains majority 
Retirement of a Partner 
Insolvency of a Partner 
Companies Features of a Company 
Classifications of Companies 
Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association 
Doctrine of Ultra Vires
Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008 Liabilities of and changes in Designated Partners 
Incorporation of a Limited Liability Partnership 
Transfer of Property Act, 1882 Sale of Immoveable Property 
Mortgage of Immoveable Property 
Types of Mortgage 
The Right to Information Act, 2005 Full Chapter 
Right to Information and Obligations of Public Authorities Full Chapter 
Information Technology Act, 2000 Digital Signature Certificates 
Appeal, Investigation 
Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 Full Chapter 

Curious about CAIIB BRBL preparation? Find out everything you need to know about CAIIB BRBL preparation strategy right here.

Important Note: Refer EduTap’s YouTube Channel for dedicated CAIIB preparation.

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CAIIB: Most Important Modules

Let’s further refine our preparation strategy by determining which modules you should prioritize. This will help you decide which module you should start with.

CAIIB ABM: Important Modules

Here’s how you should prioritize the modules of CAIIB ABM:

How to Prioritize ABM Modules for CAIIB
  1. Start With Modules B & D
  • When focusing on ABM preparation, prioritize Modules B and D, as around 50-60% of questions are asked from these.
  • Most of the questions are usually asked from Module B.
  1. Move to Modules A & C
  • Once you’ve finished Module B and D, moving on to Module A and C is advisable.
  • Straightforward numerical questions are usually asked from Modules A and C. 
  • Questions from Module A are usually similar to the examples mentioned in the IIBF book, with slight changes to the numeric values.

Important Note: Advanced Bank Management incorporates both theoretical concepts and numerical exercises. Therefore, it is recommended to maintain a balanced approach between theory and numerical practice for effective preparation.

CAIIB BFM: Important Modules

Here’s how you should prioritize the modules of CAIIB BFM:

How to Prioritize BFM Modules for CAIIB
  1. Focus on Modules A & B
  • To prepare for the BFM paper, you should start with modules A and B, as 55-65% of questions are asked from these. 
  • Delving into Modules A and B provides a solid foundation, enhancing your grasp of various concepts. 
  • This understanding is invaluable for answering application-based questions effectively during the exam.
  1. Don’t Skip Modules C & D
  • After completing Modules A and B, it’s essential to proceed with Modules C and D
  • While it is preferable to cover these modules comprehensively, if time is limited, aim to cover the basics to gain an overview of the concepts.

CAIIB ABFM: Important Modules

Here’s how you should prioritize the modules of the ABFM component of CAIIB:

How to Prioritize ABFM Modules for CAIIB
  1. Start with Modules A & D (Theory Part)
  • To prepare for the ABFM paper, you should start with the theoretical concepts of Modules A and D
  • Moreover, Module A focuses on the management process (with six sub-topics), which is easily manageable within 6 hours.
  1. Proceed with Modules B & C
  • After covering the theory of Modules A and D, you should focus on Modules B and C
  • These modules include both theoretical, numerical, and case study-based questions. 
  • Out of Modules B and C, cover Module B first, as whatever you learn in this module will also help you understand the concepts in Module C. 
  1. Finally, Modules A & D (Numerical Part)
  • Upon finishing Modules B and C, it’s advisable to move on to the numerical questions of Modules A and D

CAIIB BRBL: Important Modules

Here’s how you should prioritize the modules of the BRBL component of CAIIB:

How to Prioritize BRBL Modules for CAIIB
  1. Start with Modules C & D
  • Modules C and D are the most important and are to be prepared on priority as 65-70% of questions are asked from these.
  1. Don’t Skip Modules A & B
  • Modules A and B are comparatively less important. However, you should not skip them
  • If time permits, these modules can be beneficial as the length of these modules is short. 
  • In scenarios where questions from Modules C and D are difficult, Modules A and B can help immensely in clearing the cut-off.
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  • Important Topics of ABM
  • Important Topics of BFM
  • Important Topics of ABFM
  • Important Topics of BRBL

CAIIB: Important Books & Resources

Here are the best books and resources to prepare for CAIIB:

CAIIB ABM Important Books

Here are the books you should refer to for CAIIB ABM preparation:

CAIIB Preparation: ABM Important Books and Resources
Best Books for CAIIB ABM Preparation
BooksAuthorPublisherBuy Here
Advanced Bank ManagementIIBFMacmillan Buy Online

CAIIB BFM Important Books

Here are the books you should refer to for CAIIB BFM preparation

CAIIB Preparation: BFM Important Books and Resources
Best Books for CAIIB BFM Preparation
BooksAuthorPublisherBuy Here
Bank Financial ManagementIIBFMacmillan Buy Online

CAIIB ABFM Important Books

Here are the books you should refer to for CAIIB ABFM preparation:

CAIIB Preparation: ABFM Important Books and Resources
Best Books for CAIIB ABFM Preparation
BooksAuthorPublisherBuy Here
Advanced Business & Financial ManagementIIBFMacmillan Buy Online

CAIIB BRBL Important Books

Here are the books you should refer to for CAIIB BRBL preparation:

CAIIB Preparation: BRBL Important Books and Resources
Best Books for CAIIB BRBL Preparation
BooksAuthorPublisherBuy Here
Banking Regulations and Business LawsIIBFMacmillan Buy Online

CAIIB Preparation: Additional Resources

Below are the other recommended sources that can help you further enhance your CAIIB preparation.

  1. IIBF e-Learning Portal
  • IIBF offers an e-learning portal where you can access digital study material, online courses, and mock tests to prepare for the CAIIB paper. 
  • This is an excellent resource to enhance your understanding of the exam topics.
  1. Online Learning Platforms
  • Multiple online learning platforms offer CAIIB courses. 
  • These platforms offer a wide range of study materials, interactive lessons, practice quizzes, mock tests, and guidance from experienced educators.
  1. RBI Website
  • Information on the RBI website that is important for CAIIB preparation, such as:
  • Make sure you also include these in your preparation.
  1. YouTube Videos
  • EduTap CAIIB YouTube channel provides free insightful tutorials and explanations on important CAIIB topics
  • It allows you to understand complex topics through quality video lectures.
  1. Other Recommended Sources
  • In addition to the above-mentioned sources, you should join free Telegram channels such as the EduTap Telegram Channel.
  • It allows you to connect with peers and you’ll gain exposure to a variety of approaches and insights you might not have considered on your own.
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  • Important Topics of ABM
  • Important Topics of BFM
  • Important Topics of ABFM
  • Important Topics of BRBL

CAIIB Preparation: Study Plan

The next step is to make an easy-to-follow timetable to make your preparation convenient and more effective.

CAIIB ABM Preparation: Study Plan

Here’s an easy-to-follow yet effective timetable to ease your ABM preparation:

Preparation Time Table
ModuleTime Instructions
Module A 
12 hoursThis module has numerical problems only. 
Focus on formulas and practice as many numerical problems as you can. 
Module B 
Human Resource Management
10 hoursThis module only covers theory. 
Understand the theories given and practice case studies.
Module C
Credit Management
9 hoursThis module has numericals + theory. 
Try to co-relate with your daily banking tasks.
Go through the facts and revise them multiple times.
Module D
Compliance in Banks & Corporate Governance
9 hoursThis module only covers theory. 
Try to retain the RBI norms mentioned in the units.
Questions asked from the chapters are direct.
Total40 hoursOverall practice MCQs as many times as you can. 
Try to solve questions with no options given, as such types of questions do come in the CAIIB exam.
CAIIB ABM Preparation Time Table

CAIIB BFM Preparation: Study Plan

Here’s an easy-to-follow yet effective timetable to ease your CAIIB BFM preparation:

Preparation Time Table
ModuleTime Instructions
Module A
International Banking
15 hoursIt has maximum weightage.
At least 10 to 20 % of questions come from Exchange Rates, Forex Business, and LRS.
Module B
Risk Management
10 hoursIt is the most challenging module.
Prepare the case studies and numerical-based questions.
Module C
Treasury Management
10 hoursIt has mostly theoretical chapters.
Thorough revision is required to remember facts.
Module D
Balance Sheet Management
10 hoursIt has both theory and numerical-based questions. 
The chapters are small and thus can be completed easily from the IIBF book.
Total35 hoursPrepare the case studies, examples, and numerical-based questions from Modules A, B, and D in this Module thoroughly.
Do not ignore the Annexures of Module A.
CAIIB BFM Preparation Time Table

CAIIB ABFM Preparation: Study Plan

Here’s an easy-to-follow yet effective timetable to ease your CAIIB ABFM preparation:

Preparation Time Table
ModuleTime Instructions
Module A
The Management Process
8 hoursThis module is completely theory.
Multiple revisions are needed to memorize the factual information.
Module B
Advanced Concepts of Financial Management
10 hoursThis module has numericals and conceptual questions.
Understand the concepts and formulas.
Practice the numerical and case study-based questions.
Module C
Valuations, Mergers, & Acquisitions
10 hoursThis module has numericals and conceptual questions.
Understand the concepts and formulas.
Practice the numerical and case study-based questions.
Module D
Emerging Business Solutions
10 hoursThis module has numericals and conceptual questions.
Understand the concepts and formulas.
Practice the numerical and case study-based questions.
Total38 hoursThe numerical problems are usually lengthy and based on complex case studies.
CAIIB ABFM Preparation Time Table

CAIIB BRBL Preparation: Study Plan

Here’s an easy-to-follow yet effective timetable to ease your CAIIB BRBL preparation:

Preparation Time Table
ModuleTime Instructions
Module A
Regulations and Compliance
14 hoursThis module relates banking regulations and laws. 
Focus on the factual information.
Module B
Important Acts/Laws & Legal Aspects of Banking Operations(Part A)
14 hoursMost of this module also required cramming.
Focus on concepts such as Mortgage, Pledge, etc.
Module C
Important Acts/Laws & Legal Aspects of Banking Operations(Part B)
35 hoursGo through the facts and revise them multiple times.
Notes making will be beneficial in understanding complex topics.
Module D
Commercial & Other Laws with Reference to Banking Operations
35 hoursMake notes as most of the chapters have complex legal language.
Go through the facts and revise them multiple times.
Total98 hoursAll the modules are theoretical.
Questions based on case studies are usually asked from Module C and D.
CAIIB BRBL Preparation Time Table

Tips for CAIIB Preparation

Here are some general tips to keep in mind when preparing for CAIIB:

  • Structure your studies around your work schedule. Consider utilizing weekends for longer study sessions.
  • Take short breaks (5-10 minutes) between sessions. These mental refreshers boost focus and information retention.
  • Previous year MCQs are often repeated. Therefore, referring to PYQs can help you score better.
  • Practice mock tests to identify your strengths and weaknesses.
  • To make your preparation easier, you can sign up for crash courses and test series.

Important Note: If you’re looking for a comprehensive solution that increases your chances of clearing CAIIB, you can opt for EduTap’s CAIIB Courses. The courses come with recorded and live sessions, concepts, notes, solved PYQs, and mock tests.

You can also try EduTap’s FREE 10 Days CAIIB Starter Pack.

Free E-Book
  • Important Topics of ABM
  • Important Topics of BFM
  • Important Topics of ABFM
  • Important Topics of BRBL


Here’s a quick recap of CAIIB preparation strategy:

  • Identify the most important topics of each subject.
  • Understand which modules are important and give time accordingly.
  • Refer to the recommended books & resources.
  • Follow the study plan cum timetable.

By following this CAIIB strategy, you can not only streamline your preparation but also enhance your chances of clearing CAIIB.