FCI AG 3 Syllabus is an invaluable resource if you’re preparing for the Assistant Grade 3 officer’s post. With the latest FCI AG 3 decoded syllabus at your disposal, you can:
- Know the subjects and important topics on which questions are asked in the exam
- Choose the right study material for your FCI AG 3 exam preparation
- Prioritize important topics and allocate your time accordingly
- Create a focused study plan
Moreover, understanding the FCI AG 3 syllabus can help you compare your academic background and strengths with the requirements of the exam and help you decide if this exam is right for you.
So, without any further ado, let’s discuss the Food Corporation of India assistant grade 3 syllabus, but before we dig deep into the syllabus, let’s quickly review the FCI AG 3 exam pattern.
FCI AG 3 Syllabus 2025
Here is the decoded FCI assistant grade 3 syllabus for Phase 1 and Phase 2:
FCI Assistant Grade 3 Syllabus for Phase 1
The official recruitment notification for FCI assistant grade 3 does not mention the syllabus for Phase 1. To ease your mind and preparation, our experts have analyzed the FCI AG 3 previous year question papers (PYQs) in-depth to come up with an exhaustive list of topics that you must cover for each subject.
Important Note: The syllabus of FCI Grade 3 Phase 1 is the same for these 4 posts:
- AG-3 General
- AG-3 Accounts
- AG-3 Technical
- AG-3 Depot
- Eligibility
- Pattern
- Syllabus
- Solved PYQs
- Strategy
FCI AG 3 English Syllabus for Phase 1 2025
English Language comprises 25 questions of 1 mark each. Following is the list of topics that you must prepare for English Language:
- Reading Comprehension
- Sentence Rearrangement
- Cloze Test
- Para Jumbles
- Double Fillers
- Error Detection and Sentence Improvement
- Vocabulary (Synonyms, Antonyms, One-word Substitution, Phrasal verbs)
Based on our PYQ analysis of the FCI AG 3 exam, we have identified the least important, moderately important, and most important English topics.
FCI AG 3 Reasoning Syllabus for Phase 1 2025
Reasoning comprises 25 questions of 1 mark each. Following is the list of topics that you must prepare for Reasoning:
- Alphanumeric series
- Coding and Decoding
- Syllogism
- Direction Sense
- Inequality
- Ranking and Order
- Blood Relation
- Puzzles and Seating arrangement
- Input-Output
- Questions based on Statements
- Questions based on Data Sufficiency
Based on our PYQ analysis of the FCI AG 3 exam, we have identified the least important, moderately important, and most important Reasoning topics.
FCI AG 3 Numerical Aptitude Syllabus for Phase 1 2025
Numerical Aptitude comprises 25 questions of 1 mark each. Following is the list of topics that you must prepare for Numerical Aptitude:
- Ratio and Proportion
- Percentage
- Profit and Loss
- Simple and Compound Interest
- Average and Age
- Time and Work
- Pipes and Cistern
- Time and Distance
- Mixture and Alligation
- Series and Quadratic equation
- Mathematical Inequalities
- Number series
- Data interpretation
- Simplification/approximation
- Quantity Comparisons
Based on our PYQ analysis of the FCI AG 3 exam, we have identified the least important, moderately important, and most important Numeric Aptitude topics.
Here you can check the FCI AG 3 eligibility criteria.
- Eligibility
- Pattern
- Syllabus
- Solved PYQs
- Strategy
FCI AG 3 General Studies Syllabus for Phase 1 2025
General Studies comprises 25 questions of 1 mark each. Out of these 25 questions,
- 20 are from History, Geography, Economy, and General Science up to Class 8th level.
- 5 are from current affairs.Â
Based on our analysis here is the list of important topics that you must prepare for General Studies:
History Syllabus for FCI AG 3
- Harappan Civilization
- Mahajanpadas
- Gupta Age
- Buddhism and Jainism
- Temples in India
- Famous Foreign Travelers during Ancient and Medieval India
- Mughal Rulers
- Maratha Kingdom
- Important Freedom Fighters
- Jallianwala Bagh Massacre
- Non-Cooperation Movement
- Civil Disobedience Movement
- Round Table Conferences
- Quit India Movement
- Famous Books and their Authors
Geography Syllabus for FCI AG 3
- Rivers of India
- Major Waterfalls and Dams
- Census 2011
- Indian Agriculture
- Indian Physiography
- Indian Monsoon System
- Indian Vegetation
Economics Syllabus for FCI AG 3
- Measurement of Growth
- Monetary Policy of India
- Indian Tax System
- Important Regulators in India
- Budget and Economic Survey
- Important International Economic Institution
Science Syllabus for FCI AG 3
- Acids and Bases
- Metals and Non Metals
- Chemical Compounds in our daily lives
- Chemical Changes
- Gases in Atmosphere
- Newton’s Laws of Motion
- Momentum, Energy, and Collision
- Wave Theory
- Types of Collision
- Cells and Tissues
- Human Digestive System
- Human Circulatory System
- Human Muscular System
- Different Types of Diseases
- Biotic and Abiotic Components
Current Affairs Syllabus for FCI AG 3
- First in News
- Government Initiatives
- Summits and Conferences
- MOUs and Agreements
- Banking and Finance
- Science & Technology
- Defence
- Environment
- Sports
- Awards
- Appointment
- Persons in News
- Books and Authors
- Fairs and Festivals
- Places in News
- Days in News
- Miscellaneous
- Government Scheme
- Reports
- Eligibility
- Pattern
- Syllabus
- Solved PYQs
- Strategy
Here you can find out the detailed FCI AG 3 salary including in-hand salary, CTC, allowances, and perks.
FCI AG 3 Phase 2 Syllabus 2025
FCI AG 3 Phase 2 or the mains exam is divided into 2 papers:
- Paper 1: It consists of 120 questions, each worth 1 mark, for a total of 120 marks, with a duration of 90 minutes.
- Paper 2: It consists of 60 questions, each worth 2 marks, for a total of 120 marks, with a duration of 60 minutes.
Important Note: There will be a negative marking of 1/4 of the marks assigned to a question in Phase 2. If a question is left blank, i.e. no answer is marked by the candidate; there will be no negative marking for that question.
FCI AG 3 Syllabus For Phase 2 Paper 1 2025
The Paper I of Phase 2 of the FCI AG 3 is common for these posts:
- Post Code D: AG-III (General)
- Post Code E: AG-III (Accounts)
- Post Code F: AG-III (Technical)
- Post Code G: AG-III (Depot)
Here’s the syllabus of the Phase 2 Paper 1 of FCI assistant grade 3 exam:
Important Note: The syllabus and important topics of Paper 1 of Phase 2 and Paper 1 of Phase 1 for these subjects are the same:
- English Language
- Numerical Aptitude
- Reasoning Ability
- *General Studies
*For general studies, Paper 1 of Phase 2 includes an additional subject: Computer Awareness. Below, I have mentioned the computer awareness syllabus.
Computer Awareness Syllabus for FCI AG 3
- Abbreviation and Glossary
- Data communication and Computer Network
- Computer Hardware
- Microsoft Office
- Operating System
- Memory Organization
- Introduction to Computer
- Computer Organization and Data Processing
- Computer Software
- Data Representation- Number System
- Database Management
- Computer and Network Security
- Emerging Trends
FCI AG 3 Syllabus for Paper 2 Phase 2
Paper 2 of Phase 2 of the FCI AG 3 is only applicable for candidates applying for these posts:
- Assistant Grade-III (Accounts) (Post Code E)
- Assistant Grade-III (Technical) (Post Code F)
Important Note: For the FCI AG 3 exam, Phase 2 does not include Paper 2 for the following posts:
- Post Code D: AG-III (General)
- Post Code G: AG-III (Depot)
- Eligibility
- Pattern
- Syllabus
- Solved PYQs
- Strategy
FCI AG 3 Syllabus for Accounts (Post Code E):
Here’s the syllabus of Accounts as per the latest FCI notification:
- Basic Accounting Concepts:
- preparation of books of accounts.
- Taxation:
- Income Tax and Goods and Services Tax.
- Auditing:
- Auditing concepts and methods
- Internal & External audit of companies.
- Commercial Laws: (Basic Knowledge)
- Basics of Contract Act
- Basics of Company Act
- Basics of Sales of Goods Act
- Negotiable Instrument Act
- Basic of Computers:
- Operating System
- Browsers
- Memory (Internal, External, portable)
- Chats
- Office (Word, PowerPoint, Excel)
- Networks.
FCI AG 3 Syllabus for Technical (Post Code F):
Here’s the syllabus of Accounts as per the latest FCI notification:
- Agriculture:
- Statics of Indian Agriculture (Cereals & Pulses)
- Elementary entomology
- Plant Protection
- Agricultural Economics.
- Botany:
- Cell Biology: Tissue, Organ & Organ System, Genetics, Plant Classification, Diversity, Ecology
- Life Process: Photosynthesis, Respiration, Circulation, Movement, etc., Basics of Biochemistry.Â
- Zoology:
- Animal Cell & Tissue
- Organ System
- Heredity & Variation
- Animal Classification
- Micro Organism
- Insects & Rodents.
- Chemistry:
- Chemical bonding
- Organic Chemistry: Basics of alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, alcohols, aldehydes and acids, Inorganic Chemistry, Chemistry in daily life.
- Physics:
- Measurements
- Basic Physics
- Light
- Electricity.
Important Note: The above syllabus for Agriculture, Botany, Zoology, Chemistry, and Physics is grouped into the following two categories:Â
- GROUP A– Agriculture, Botany and Zoology.
- GROUP B– Agriculture, Chemistry and Physics.
Important Note: At the time of filling up the online application form, if you are applying for the post of AG-III (Tech) need to select any one of the above groups for online examination Paper 2, i.e. either Group A or Group B in which he/she wishes to appear in the examination. The option, once exercised, shall be final, and no further changes will be allowed under any circumstances.
The detailed FCI AG 3 syllabus 2025 gives you in-depth insights into the subjects and important topics. By learning about the subjects and important topics around which questions are asked in the exam, you can customize your FCI AG 3 preparation strategy based on your strengths and weaknesses and boost your chances of clearing the exam.