Understanding the IRDAI Assistant Manager exam analysis is crucial to aligning your preparation strategy according to the actual demand of the exam. It empowers you to:
- Focus on high-frequency topics, and avoid low-yield ones.
- Assess exam difficulty to prepare accordingly.
- Ensure your study material aligns with exam requirements.
- Tailor their preparation strategy to meet exam needs.
If you skip this step, you might end up focusing too much on topics that rarely appear or underestimate the difficulty level, leaving you unprepared for the IRDAI Assistant Manager exam.
Below, I’ve provided a year-wise breakdown of the IRDAI Grade A exam analysis, including subject-wise difficulty, topic weightage, and cut-off marks.
IRDAI Assistant Manager 2024 Analysis of Phase 1
The overall difficulty level of the 2024 IRDAI Grade A Phase 1 exam was Easy to Moderate level with General Awareness being on the Moderate side, as an exception. Here is the subject-wise analysis of the IRDAI Grade A 2024 Phase 1 exam:
IRDAI Assistant Manager 2024 Quant Analysis
Here is the IRDAI Grade A 2024 quant analysis and difficulty level:
IRDAI Assistant Manager 2024 Quant Topic-Wise Weightage | |
Topic | Number of Questions |
Data Interpretations | 16 |
Number Series | 2 |
Basic Fundamentals | 6 |
Quadratic Equations | 4 |
Mensuration 2D | 1 |
Ratio & Proportion | 2 |
Time & Work | 1 |
Average | 1 |
Boat & Stream | NA |
Profit & Loss | NA |
Compound interest | NA |
Partnership | NA |
Ages | 1 |
Mixture & Alligation | 1 |
Percentage | NA |
Probability | NA |
Pipes & Cistern | 1 |
Time & Distance | 1 |
Simple Interest | 1 |
Data Sufficiency | 2 |
IRDAI Assistant Manager 2024 Quant Difficulty Level | |||
Topic | Easy | Moderate | Difficult |
Data Interpretations | 4 | 9 | 3 |
Number Series | 2 | NA | NA |
Basic Fundamentals | 4 | 2 | NA |
Quadratic Equations | NA | 4 | NA |
Mensuration 2D | NA | 1 | NA |
Ratio & Proportion | NA | 2 | NA |
Time & Work | 1 | NA | NA |
Average | 1 | NA | NA |
Ages | 1 | NA | NA |
Mixture & Alligation | 1 | NA | NA |
Pipes & Cistern | 1 | NA | NA |
Time & Distance | 1 | NA | NA |
Simple Interest | 1 | NA | NA |
Data Sufficiency | NA | 2 | NA |
Key Takeaways for the IRDAI Assistant Manager Aspirants
- The overall difficulty level of the quant sections was moderate with only 3 difficult questions.
- 12 questions were asked from speed math—missing number series, approxiation, and quadratic equation. Simple logic was used in these questions.
- Maximum (16) quant questions were asked from data interpretation (DI). These types of questions are time-consuming and come in a set of 4 to 5 questions. The exam included:
- 6 questions from the bar graph (Badminton + Tennis)
- 5 questions from Table DI (Total person + Bus + Train)
- 5 questions from Caselet DI, which were more difficult compared to the other DIs.
- The arithmetic section, consisting of 12 questions, was easily solvable for candidates who had practiced mock tests.
IRDAI Assistant Manager 2024 Reasoning Analysis
Here is the IRDAI Grade A 2024 Reasoning analysis and difficulty level:
IRDAI Assistant Manager 2024 Reasoning Topic-Wise Weightage | |
Topic | Number of Questions |
Inequality | NA |
Blood Relation | 3 |
Direction Sense | NA |
Syllogism | 2 |
Coding decoding | 5 |
Seating Arrangement | 5 |
Puzzle | 18 |
Data sufficiency | NA |
Critical Reasoning | 4 |
Input Output | NA |
Miscellaneous | 3 |
IRDAI Assistant Manager 2024 Reasoning Difficulty Level | |||
Topic | Easy | Moderate | Difficult |
Inequality | NA | NA | NA |
Blood Relation | NA | 3 | NA |
Direction Sense | NA | NA | NA |
Syllogism | NA | 2 | NA |
Coding Decoding | 3 | 2 | NA |
Seating Arrangement | NA | 5 | NA |
Puzzle | 8 | 10 | NA |
Data Sufficiency | NA | NA | NA |
Critical Reasoning | NA | 4 | NA |
Input Output | NA | NA | NA |
Miscellaneous | 2 | 1 | NA |
Key Takeaways for the IRDAI Assistant Manager Aspirants
- The overall difficulty level of the reasoning section was moderate with only 3 difficult questions.
- More than 50% of the reasoning questions come from puzzles and seating arrangements. These types of questions are time-consuming and come in a set of 4 to 5 questions.
- 5 puzzle questions were based on floor + flat
- 3 puzzle questions were based on comparison (6 people + different height)
- 5 puzzle questions were based on 9 people purchasing different items
- 5 puzzle questions were based on 7 people + 7 days + 7 plays + 7 different language
- 5 questions were asked from a circular seating arrangement of 8 people (4 facing inside and 4 outside)
- 3 questions were asked from alphabetical series, these questions were based on +1 & -1, a meaningful word, and forward & backward concepts.
- 3 questions were asked from blood relations where 9 persons and 3 generations were involved.
- 4 questions were asked from critical reasoning.
- 1 question was based on the statement conclusion
- 1 question was based on the statement inference
- 2 questions were asked from statement + reasons
IRDAI Assistant Manager 2024 English Analysis
Here is the IRDAI Grade A 2024 English analysis and difficulty level:
IRDAI Assistant Manager 2024 English Topic-Wise Weightage | |
Topic | Number of Questions |
Idiom & Phrases | 4 |
Reading Comprehension | 14 |
Single Fillers | 5 |
Words Interchanged | 4 |
Error Detection | 4 |
Double Filler | 4 |
Paragraph Rearrangement | 5 |
Sentence Rearrangement | NA |
Odd Option Out | NA |
Antonym & Synonym | NA |
IRDAI Assistant Manager 2024 English Difficulty Level | |||
Topic | Easy | Moderate | Difficult |
Idiom & Phrases | NA | 4 | NA |
Reading Comprehension | 3 | 11 | NA |
Single Fillers | 2 | 3 | NA |
Words Interchanged | NA | 4 | NA |
Error Detection | NA | 4 | NA |
Double Filler | NA | 4 | NA |
Paragraph Rearrangement | NA | 5 | NA |
Key Takeaways for the IRDAI Assistant Manager Aspirants
- The overall difficulty level of the English sections was easy to moderate with no difficult questions.
- There were no new types of questions in the exam.
- This year, 2 RCs based on frog mating and OTT platforms were asked whereas in 2023 only one RC was asked with 10 questions.
- Para jumbles and double fillers were easy to solve.
- The rest of the exam focused on different questions based on vocabulary and grammatical sections.
- Practicing MCQs and mock tests is crucial to scoring well here.
IRDAI Assistant Manager 2024 General Awareness Analysis
Here is the IRDAI Grade A 2024 GA analysis and difficulty level:
IRDAI Assistant Manager 2024 GA Topic-Wise Weightage | |
Topic | Number of Questions |
*General Awareness | 24 |
Reports | 1 |
Schemes | 2 |
Finance Current Affairs | 4 |
Finance Static | 9 |
IRDAI Assistant Manager 2024 GA Difficulty Level | |||
Topic | Easy | Moderate | Difficult |
*General Awareness | 4 | 14 | 6 |
Reports | NA | NA | 1 |
Schemes | 2 | NA | NA |
Finance Current Affairs | NA | 4 | NA |
Finance Static | NA | 9 | NA |
*It includes GA topics that are asked exclusively in Phase 1 such as first in news, defense news, sports, science, technology, and space, awards and honors, environment, etc.
Key Takeaways for the IRDAI Assistant Manager Aspirants
- The overall difficulty level of the GA sections was moderate.
- The majority of the questions were from the past 3 to 5 months.
- There were no out-of-the-box questions.
- Here are some of the questions:
- General Election
- Classical Language
- Sukanya Samridhi Yojana
- Unicorns
- NPS Vatsalya Yojana
- GreenHouse Gas
- Axiom-4 Mission
- Function of RBI
- Given the moderate level of the GA questions, aiming for 25 to 30 questions was an ideal attempt.
IRDAI Assistant Manager 2024 Analysis of Phase 2
The IRDAI Grade A 2024 Phase 2 exam is scheduled for 21 December 2024. Once the exam is conducted, I’ll promptly update this page with the latest exam analysis, so you’ll have all the insights you need to tailor your IRDAI assistant manager preparation strategy.
Now, let’s move on to understand the analysis of the IRDAI Grade A 2023 exam.
RDAI Assistant Manager 2023 Analysis of Phase 1
The overall difficulty level of the 2023 IRDAI Grade A Phase 1 exam was Moderate to Difficult level. Here is the subject-wise analysis of the IRDAI Assistant Manager 2023 Phase 1 exam:
IRDAI Assistant Manager 2023 Quant Analysis
Here is the IRDAI Grade A 2023 quant analysis and difficulty level:
IRDAI Assistant Manager 2023 Quant Topic-Wise Weightage | |
Topic | Number of Questions |
Data Interpretations | 15 |
Number Series | 5 |
Basic Fundamentals | 5 |
Quadratic Equations | NA |
Mensuration 2D | NA |
Ratio & Proportion | NA |
Time & Work | 1 |
Average | NA |
Boat & Stream | 1 |
Profit & Loss | 1 |
Compound interest | 1 |
Partnership | 1 |
Ages | 3 |
Mixture & Alligation | 2 |
Percentage | 1 |
Probability | 1 |
Pipes & Cistern | 1 |
Time & Distance | 2 |
Simple Interest | NA |
Data Sufficiency | NA |
IRDAI Assistant Manager 2023 Quant Difficulty Level | |
Easy | 3 |
Moderate | 26 |
Difficult | 11 |
Key Takeaways for the IRDAI Assistant Manager Aspirants
- The overall difficulty level of the quant sections was easy to moderate.
- The maximum number of questions were from Data interpretation and speed maths
- Arithmetic questions were doable if your basic concept is clear.
IRDAI Assistant Manager 2023 Reasoning Analysis
Here is the IRDAI Grade A 2023 Reasoning analysis and difficulty level:
IRDAI Assistant Manager 2023 Reasoning Topic-Wise Weightage | |
Topic | Number of Questions |
Inequality | 4 |
Blood Relation | NA |
Direction Sense | 3 |
Syllogism | 5 |
Coding decoding | NA |
Seating Arrangement | 10 |
Puzzle | 10 |
Data sufficiency | 3 |
Critical Reasoning | NA |
Input Output | 5 |
Miscellaneous | NA |
IRDAI Assistant Manager 2023 Reasoning Difficulty Level | |
Easy | 4 |
Moderate | 30 |
Difficult | 6 |
Key Takeaways for the IRDAI Assistant Manager Aspirants
- The overall difficulty level of the reasoning section was moderate to tough.
- The maximum number of questions were from puzzles and seating arrangement but these questions are time-consuming and come in a series of 3 to 5 questions.
- 4 questions were asked from critical reasoning as well, which was not the case in the previous year’s exam. Hence, you must be familiar with all types of reasoning questions.
IRDAI Assistant Manager 2023 English Analysis
Here is the IRDAI Grade A 2023 English analysis and difficulty level:
IRDAI Assistant Manager 2023 English Topic-Wise Weightage | |
Topic | Number of Questions |
Idiom & Phrases | 4 |
Reading Comprehension | 7 |
Single Fillers | NA |
Words Interchanged | NA |
Error Detection | NA |
Double Filler | 4 |
Paragraph Rearrangement | 11 |
Sentence Rearrangement | 5 |
Odd Option Out | 5 |
Antonym & Synonym | 4 |
IRDAI Assistant Manager 2023 English Difficulty Level | |
Easy | 3 |
Moderate | 32 |
Difficult | 5 |
Key Takeaways for the IRDAI Assistant Manager Aspirants
- The overall difficulty level of the English section was easy to moderate.
- The maximum number of questions were from Reading Comprehension and they were bulky to read. Hence, you must practice as many RCs as you can.
- No major change was seen in the English section
- There were no new types of questions asked in the exam.
- Practicing MCQs and mock tests is crucial to scoring well here.
IRDAI Assistant Manager 2023 General Awareness Analysis
Here is the IRDAI Grade A 2023 GA analysis and difficulty level:
IRDAI Assistant Manager 2023 GA Topic-Wise Weightage | |
Topic | Number of Questions |
*General Awareness | 26 |
Reports | 6 |
Schemes | 3 |
Finance Current Affairs | 3 |
Finance Static | 2 |
IRDAI Assistant Manager 2023 GA Difficulty Level | |
Easy | 5 |
Moderate | 30 |
Difficult | 5 |
*It includes GA topics that are asked exclusively in Phase 1 such as first in news, defense news, sports, science, technology, and space, awards and honors, environment, etc.
Key Takeaways for the IRDAI Assistant Manager Aspirants
- The overall difficulty level of the GA sections was moderate.
- The majority of the questions were from the past 3 to 5 months.
- There were no out-of-the-box questions were asked
- Given the moderate level of the GA questions, aiming for 20 to 25 questions was an ideal attempt.
IRDAI Assistant Manager 2023 Analysis of Phase 2
The overall difficulty level of the 2023 IRDAI Grade A Phase 2 exam was Moderate to Difficult level. Here is the subject-wise analysis of the IRDAI Assistant Manager 2023 Phase 2 exam:
IRDAI Assistant Manager 2023 Insurance Analysis
Here is the IRDAI Grade A 2023 insurance analysis and difficulty level:
IRDAI Assistant Manager 2023 Insurance Topic-Wise Weightage | |
Topic | Number of Questions |
Basics, History, and Principles of Insurance | 1 |
Legal Foundation of Insurance and Types of Insurance Policies | 1 |
Intermediation in Insurance | 1 |
Functions of Insurer and Emerging Concepts of Insurance | 3 |
IRDAI Assistant Manager 2023 Insurance Difficulty Level | |||
Topic | Easy | Moderate | Difficult |
Basics, History, and Principles of Insurance | 1 | NA | NA |
Legal Foundation of Insurance and Types of Insurance Policies | 1 | NA | NA |
Intermediation in Insurance | NA | 1 | NA |
Functions of Insurer and Emerging Concepts of Insurance | 1 | 2 | NA |
Key Takeaways for the IRDAI Assistant Manager Aspirants
- Most of the questions were static and direct.
- Answering such questions usually requires less time and effort.
- There were few numerical-based questions.
- Students who have conceptual knowledge of these subjects can answer them easily.
- You should not skip any questions.
- Prioritize completing the paper in time.
IRDAI Assistant Manager 2023 Management Analysis
Here is the IRDAI Grade A 2023 management analysis and difficulty level:
IRDAI Assistant Manager 2023 Management Topic-Wise Weightage | |
Topic | Number of Questions |
Communication | 2 |
General management | 1 |
HRD (Human Development Report) | 2 |
IRDAI Assistant Manager 2023 Management Difficulty Level | |||
Topic | Easy | Moderate | Difficult |
Communication | 2 | NA | NA |
General management | 1 | NA | NA |
HRD (Human Development Report) | 1 | 1 | NA |
Key Takeaways for the IRDAI Assistant Manager Aspirants
- Most of the questions were static and direct.
- Answering such questions usually requires less time and effort.
- Students who have conceptual knowledge of these subjects can answer them easily.
- You should not skip any questions.
- Prioritize completing the paper in time.
IRDAI Assistant Manager 2023 ESI Impacting Insurance Analysis
Here is the IRDAI Grade A 2023 ESI Impacting Insurance analysis and difficulty level:
IRDAI Assistant Manager 2023 ESI Impacting Insurance Topic-Wise Weightage | |
Topic | Number of Questions |
Economic Growth and Insurance Penetration | 2 |
Macroeconomic Factors Impacting Insurance Sector | 1 |
Economic Capital and Economic Impact of Risk Transfer | 1 |
Changing Insurance Regulations or Laws | 1 |
Social Security Laws and Implementation | 5 |
IRDAI Assistant Manager 2023 ESI Impacting Insurance Difficulty Level | |||
Topic | Easy | Moderate | Difficult |
Economic Growth and Insurance Penetration | 2 | NA | NA |
Macroeconomic Factors Impacting Insurance Sector | NA | 1 | NA |
Economic Capital and Economic Impact of Risk Transfer | NA | 1 | NA |
Changing Insurance Regulations or Laws | 1 | NA | NA |
Social Security Laws and Implementation | 3 | 2 | NA |
Key Takeaways for the IRDAI Assistant Manager Aspirants
- Questions are a mix of both static and current affairs.
- Answering such questions requires some effort and analytical thinking.
- There were also some numerical-based questions that were time-consuming. You should attempt these types of questions at the end.
- You should attempt all questions as there is no negative marking.
- Prioritize completing the paper in time.
IRDAI Assistant Manager Phase 1 2025 Preparation Tips
While the IRDAI Grade A 2024 Phase 1 exam was of moderate difficulty level, the overall trend has been towards increasing complexity in recent years. To avoid last-minute stress and ensure thorough preparation, it’s advisable to start studying well in advance.
Here are some tips that’ll help you prepare for the IRDAI Grade A 2025 Phase 1 exam:
- Understand the exam pattern, question types, and difficulty level by analyzing the IRDAI assistant manager previous year question papers.
- Stay informed about current events, particularly economic and financial news
- Enhance your reading speed and comprehension skills by engaging with different types of news articles, especially finance, economy, and social issues related.
- Prioritize understanding the concepts rather than merely memorizing formulas.
- Regularly solve a variety of quant and reasoning problems to improve your speed and accuracy.
- Regularly practice mock tests to assess your progress and identify areas for improvement.
- Maintain a positive outlook and stay motivated throughout your preparation.
- Don’t hesitate to seek help from experts or join study groups when needed.
IRDAI Assistant Manager Exam Analysis: Cut Off Marks
Below, we have mentioned the IRDAI Grade A cut off marks from 2017 to 2024.
IRDAI Assistant Manager Cut Off Marks | |||
*2024 | 2023 | 2017 | |
General/ Unreserved | |||
Phase 1 | 109.50 | 87.25 | 69.00 |
Phase 2 | – | 183 | 201 |
Final | – | 74.12 | 75.67 |
EWS | |||
Phase 1 | 103.25 | 63.75 | – |
Phase 2 | – | 168 | – |
Final | – | 64.37 | – |
OBC | |||
Phase 1 | 102.25 | 80.75 | 61.50 |
Phase 2 | – | 171 | 186 |
Final | – | 67.89 | 72.00 |
SC | |||
Phase 1 | 91.25 | 70.25 | 60.50 |
Phase 2 | – | 157 | 186 |
Final | – | 66.58 | 64.30 |
ST | |||
Phase 1 | 82.50 | 47.75 | 56.25 |
Phase 2 | – | 150 | 186 |
Final | – | 65.35 | 66.72 |
PwBD | |||
Phase 1 | 54.50 (Type A)75.50 (Type C)26.25 (Type D/E) | 39.50 | 74.75 |
Phase 2 | – | 146 | 186 |
Final | – | 63.11 | 65.08 |
The cut off marks for the IRDAI Grade A 2024 exam are yet to be officially released.
Key Takeaways for the IRDAI Assistant Manager Aspirants
- IRDAI Grade A cut offs are dynamic and influenced by various factors such as the difficulty level, the number of vacancies, and the overall performance of candidates.
- The constant increase in the Phase 1 cut off marks over the years suggests that the exam difficulty level has increased.
- Merely clearing the Phase 2 cut off is insufficient. Scoring higher in Phase 2 helps alleviate the pressure during the Interview stage.
- Give as many mock tests as you can.
- They help you stimulate the exam environment with timed practice tests to build time management skills and reduce test anxiety.
- Most tests also help you identify the high-value questions that match your strengths.
The IRDAI assistant manager exam analysis plays an important role in helping aspirants like you gain deeper exam insights. I hope that by understanding this detailed exam analysis, you can fine-tune your preparation strategy and eventually increase your chances of cracking the IRDAI Grade A exam.