When preparing for the IE&IFS exam, you can place complete reliance on our study material—just as numerous candidates who scored 50+ in their first attempt did! If you’re in search of an actionable study plan, detailed video lectures, previous year papers and their analysis, full-length mock tests, live classes, and much more, all conveniently available in one place, then our Indian Economy and Indian Financial System JAIIB online course is what you need. Our aim is to ensure your preparation is foolproof, eliminating the need for you to search elsewhere. We are committed to helping you crack JAIIB.
Access crucial assets for an effective preparation of IE-IFS.
Concept Classes
Live Classes
Concept Notes
Mock Tests
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We’re 100% committed towards one goal- To help you crack the JAIIB exam as quickly as possible!
We Believe In
We Provide Relevant
We Constantly
We Have Industry’s
We Empathize
We Are Just
Meet our extraordinary teacher who is synonymous with expertise in his subject. He is highly acclaimed for adding immense value to students’ preparation. Our students owe their success to him!
- Â B.Tech (Mech)
- First Builds Fundamentals
- Guided Aspiring Learners
Yes, this course provides a comprehensive solution for IE&IFS component of JAIIB examination preparation.
Notes & Mocks for IE&IFS – English;
Concept Classes and Live Classes –
• For IE&IFS classes are in Hinglish.
*By Hinglish, we mean the presentation text will be in English and delivery will be in mix of Hindi and English.
Yes, we believe in “Learn anytime, anywhere”. You can access this course through an android based mobile or tab by downloading the EduTap app from the playstore and logging in, in laptop/desktop. You can just login to the portal and access your course on google chrome or microsoft edge.
The course is comprehensive enough, however if you have additional time you can follow any additional material or books of your choice.
Complete syllabus will be covered in just 40+ hours via concept classes. After each chapter, there will be a concept note and chapter wise quiz to test your conceptual understanding.
We offer pre recorded as well as live classes as part of the course. The live classes are held once 7 days will be left for the examination. The primary objective of live classes is revision. Till then, the students are expected to complete their syllabus from the pre recorded lessons which are readily available upon subscription.
The concept notes are available to download in PDF format so you can print them.
Yes, chapter wise quizzes and 10 full length Mocks are part of this course.
Yes, recordings of all live classes will be made available inside this course.
Infinite times – yes, you read it correct. We have placed no such restriction on the number of times you can watch a particular video lesson.
We do not believe in “Sell & Forget”. We have a dedicated support team & faculty to answer all queries promptly. We have established 3 channels of communication: a discussion forum for subject-wise queries, a dedicated mail address for students to drop a mail at hello@edutap.co.in, & a helpline number to call us on 8146207241 (Between 9 AM To 6 PM all Days) for strategy mentorship calls with faculty. The support team representative shoots a mail to the student & faculty and arranges a call.