Topics Covered: JAIIB Preparation Strategy, JAIIB IE & IFS Preparation Strategy, JAIIB AFM Preparation Strategy, JAIIB PPB Preparation Strategy, JAIIB RBWM Preparation Strategy, JAIIB Preparation Important Books & Resources, JAIIB Preparation Repeat Questions, JAIIB Preparation Important Topics, JAIIB Preparation Important Chapters, and JAIIB Preparation Timetable

JAIIB preparation can feel overwhelming, especially with work pressures and limited time. However, with a focused JAIIB preparation strategy and a well-organized timetable, you can make your preparation efficient and effective.

The JAIIB exam is crucial for banking professionals, and to succeed, you need a clear plan that covers important topics, study materials, and time management.

In this article, we’ll provide a detailed strategy for JAIIB preparation. You’ll get a breakdown of the key topics and resources for each subject, along with a practical timetable to help you study smartly and stay on track.

Follow these steps to streamline your study plan and boost your chances of clearing the exam.

JAIIB Preparation Strategy

Before jumping right into the JAIIB preparation strategy, make sure you are familiar with the latest JAIIB Pattern.

Now, the question is, which topics should you cover?

Make sure you are familiar with the latest JAIIB syllabus as well.

JAIIB Most Important Topics

JAIIB is a qualifying exam where you just have to clear the cut-off, i.e., score more than or equal to 50 marks in each subject to qualify. You don’t have to cover the entire syllabus to do this.

Now, the question is, what should you cover? Based on our analysis of the JAIIB previous year’s questions, we have identified high-weightage topics and chapters of all JAIIB subjects that you must prioritize.

JAIIB IE & IFS Preparation: Important Topics and Chapters

Here are the module-wise important topics and chapters of JAIIB IE & IFS:


JAIIB IE & IFS Most Important Topics
Module A
ChaptersImportant Topics
Sectors of the Indian EconomySectors of Indian Economy
Role of Priority Sector and MSME in the Indian EconomyPSL Norms and MSME Classification
Role of Priority Sector and MSME in the Indian EconomyInitiatives related to MSMEs
Infrastructure including Social InfrastructureTypes of Infrastructure and related Government initiatives
Globalisation – Impact on IndiaGlobalisation and De-Globalisation
Economic ReformsReforms in India in 1991 & Narasimham Committee recommendations
Foreign Trade Policy, Foreign Investments and Economic DevelopmentForeign Direct Investment (FDI) vs. Foreign Institutional Investment (FII)
Foreign Trade Policy, Foreign Investments and Economic DevelopmentEconomic growth vs. Economic Development
International Economic Organizations (World Bank, IMF, etc.)International Economic Organisations – World Bank, IMF & WTO
Climate change, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Climate change, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)


JAIIB IE & IFS Most Important Topics
Module B
ChaptersImportant Topics
Fundamentals of Economics, Microeconomics, and Macroeconomics and Types of EconomiesDefinitions of Economics
Supply and DemandLaw of Demand
Money Supply and InflationMeasures of Money Supply
Money Supply and InflationMoney Multiplier and Velocity of Money
Money Supply and InflationInflation and indices to measure inflation
Theories of InterestLiquidity Preference Theory of Interest
Business CyclesPhases of Business Cycles
Monetary Policy and Fiscal PolicyRole of RBI 
System of National Accounts and GDP ConceptsDifferent measures of GDP
Union BudgetDeficits in the Budget


JAIIB IE & IFS Most Important Topics
Module C
ChaptersImportant Topics
Indian Financial System – An OverviewPhases of Development in the Indian Financial System
Indian Financial System – An OverviewBank Nationalisation
Indian Banking StructureDifferent types of banks and Fintech & TechFin
Banking Laws-Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 & Banking Regulation Act, 1949Initial Sections of Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 and Banking Regulation Act, 1949
Development Financial InstitutionsFeatures of Development Financial Institutions
Development Financial InstitutionsNational Bank for Financing Infrastructure and Development (NaBFID)
Development Financial InstitutionsExport-Import Bank of India (EXIM Bank) and its initiatives
Development Financial InstitutionsSIDBI Direct Loan Facilities
Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs)Scale-Based Regulation (SBR) of NBFCs
Indian Financial System Regulators and Their RolesRole of RBI & Role and Composition of SEBI, IRDAI and PFRDA
Reforms & Developments in the Banking SectorNational Asset Reconstruction Company (NARCL)
Micro Finance InstitutionsTypes of Micro-Finance Institutions (MFIs)
Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs)Types of Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC)s
Insurance CompaniesInsurance Penetration and insurance Density


JAIIB IE & IFS Most Important Topics
Module D
ChaptersImportant Topics
Financial MarketsPrice Discovery in Financial Markets
Money MarketsCall money, Notice money and Term money, Treasury Bill, Certificate of Deposit (CD), Commercial Paper, Tri-party Repo and Bill Rediscounting Scheme (BRDS)
Capital Markets and Stock ExchangesRed Herring Prospectus (RHP)
Fixed Income Markets-Debt and Bond MarketsGovernment Securities in India
Fixed Income Markets-Debt and Bond MarketsRBI Retail Direct Scheme (RDS)
Foreign Exchange MarketsForex markets
Foreign Exchange MarketsAlternative Reference Rate (ARR)
Foreign Exchange MarketsForeign Exchange Dealers’ Association of India (FEDAI)
Foreign Exchange MarketsFX Retail Platform
Foreign Exchange MarketsU.S. Dollar Index (USDX)
Interconnectedness of Markets and Market DynamicsInterconnectedness
Merchant Banking ServicesMerchant Banking
Derivatives MarketDefinition and types of Derivatives
Factoring. Forfaiting and Trade Receivables Discounting System (TReDS)Bill Discounting vs. Factoring
Factoring. Forfaiting and Trade Receivables Discounting System (TReDS)Trade Receivables Discounting System (TReDS)
Venture CapitalVenture Capital
Lease Finance and Hire PurchaseTypes of Leasing
Lease Finance and Hire PurchaseHire Purchase
Credit Rating and Credit ScoringCIBIL Score and Credit Rating Symbols
Credit Rating and Credit ScoringCredit Information Companies (CICs)
Mutual FundsMutual Funds and Types
Insurance ProductsGovernment Initiatives related to Insurance
Insurance ProductsInsurance Ombudsman
Pension ProductsEmployees’ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO)
Pension ProductsGovernment Initiatives related to Pension – Public Provident Fund (PPF), National Pension Scheme (NPS) and Atal Pension Yojana (APY)
Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) and Infrastructure Investment Trusts (InvITs)Real Estate Investment Trust (REITs) – Types & Regulations
Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) and Infrastructure Investment Trusts (InvITs)Types of Infrastructure Investment Trust (InvIT)
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JAIIB AFM Preparation: Important Topics and Chapters

Here are the module-wise important topics and chapters of AFM for JAIIB:


JAIIB AFM Important Topics
Module A
ChaptersImportant Topics
Definition, Scope, and Accounting Standards, including IndAS
Accounting Standards
Basic Accountancy ProceduresBasic Principles of Accounting
Maintenance of Cash/Subsidiary Books and Ledger Rules of Debit and Credit
Bank Reconciliation StatementBank Reconciliation Statement
Trial Balance, Rectification of Errors and Adjusting & Closing EntriesTypes of Errors and Suspense Account
Bills of ExchangeBills of Exchange
Bank Audit & InspectionTypes of Bank Audits


JAIIB AFM Important Topics
Module B
ChaptersImportant Topics
Company Accounts – IDefinition & Types of Companies
Cash Flow & Funds FlowComponents of Cash Flow
Company Accounts – I  Accounting for Share Capital
Final Accounts of Banking CompaniesDisclosure Requirements of Banks


JAIIB AFM Important Topics
Module C
ChaptersImportant Topics
Ratio AnalysisDifferent Types of Accounting Ratios
Financial Management – An OverviewBasics of Financial Management
Financial Mathematics – Calculation of YTM Bond Theorem
Capital Structure & Cost of CapitalApproaches to Calculate Weighted Average 
Capital Structure & Cost of CapitalCost of Capital
Equipment Leasing/Lease FinancingLease Agreements
DerivativesTypes of Derivatives
Working Capital ManagementSources to Finance Working Capital


JAIIB AFM Important Topics
Module D
ChaptersImportant Topics
Taxation: Income Tax / TDS / Deferred TaxDeductions in Respect of Certain Incomes
Costing MethodsTypes of Costing Techniques and Methods
Standard CostingStandard Costing
Marginal Costing Marginal Costing
Budgets and Budgetary ControlBudgetary Control System
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JAIIB PPB Preparation: Important Topics and Chapters

Here are the module-wise important topics and chapters of PPB for JAIIB:


JAIIB PPB Important Topics
Module A: General Banking Operations
ChaptersImportant Topics
Banker Customer RelationshipRequirements to be Called a Bank
AML KYC GuidelinesMoney Laundering
Opening Accounts of Various Types of CustomersAccounts of Other Customers
Operational Aspects of Deposit AccountsInoperative Accounts & Unclaimed Deposits
Operational Aspects of Deposit AccountsSalient Features of Deposit Accounts
Operational Aspects of Handling Clearing/Collection/CashSecurity Measures at Branches & ATMs
Bankers’ Special RelationshipBanker’s Lien
Foreign Exchange Remittance Facilities for IndividualsOutward Remittances
Operational Aspects of NRI BusinPermitted A/Cs in India for NRIs & PIOs
Ancillary ServicesSafe Deposit Lockers
Ancillary ServicesDemand Draft
Operational Aspects of Deposit AccountsGarnishee Order


JAIIB PPB Important Topics
Module B: Functions of Banks
ChaptersImportant Topics
Principles of Lending, Different Types of Borrowers and Types of Credit FacilitiesTypes of Borrowers
Appraisal and Assessment of Credit FacilitiesAssessment of Working Capital and Term Loans
Operational Aspects of Loan AccountsCredit Monitoring
Types of Collaterals and Their CharacteristicsTypes of Securities
Types of Collaterals and Their CharacteristicsAdvance Against Life Insurance Policy
Different Modes of Charging SecuritiesTypes of Charges
Types of Collaterals and Their CharacteristicsLoan Against Term Deposit
Different Modes of Charging SecuritiesEssentials of a Contract
Important Laws Relating to Recovery Of DuesInsolvency & Bankruptcy Code, 2016
Different Modes of Charging SecuritiesContract Consideration


JAIIB PPB Important Topics
Module C: Banking Technology
ChaptersImportant Topics
Essentials of Bank ComputerisationNetworking Technologies in Bank
Alternate Delivery Channels – Digital Banking Electronic Banking
Alternate Delivery Channels – Digital Banking Automated Teller Machine
Data Communication Network and EFT Systems Data Communication Networks
Data Communication Network and EFT SystemsAutomated Clearing System
Data Communication Network and EFT SystemsEmergence of Electronic Payment System in India
Digital Payment Systems – NPCIElectronic Clearing Systems in India
Digital Payment Systems – NPCINational Payment Corporation of India
Impact of Technology Adoption and Trends in Banking Technology Emerging Technology Trends in Banking
Security Considerations and Mitigation Measures in BanksInformation System Security


JAIIB PPB Important Topics
Module D: Ethics in Bank & Financial Institutions
ChaptersImportant Topics
Ethics, Business Ethics & Banking: An Integrated Perspective Ethics & Business Values
Ethics, Business Ethics & Banking: An Integrated Perspective Ethical Foundation of Banking
Ethics, Business Ethics & Banking: An Integrated Perspective Ethics in Indian Context
Ethics, Business Ethics & Banking: An Integrated Perspective Ethical Foundation of being Professional
Ethics at the Individual LevelPersonal Ethics & Business Ethics
Ethics at the Individual LevelEthical Dilemmas
Ethical Dimensions: EmPloYeesManaging Conflict of Interest
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JAIIB RBWM Preparation: Important Topics and Chapters

Here are the module-wise important topics and chapters of RBWM for JAIIB:


JAIIB RBWM Important Topics
Module A: Retail Banking
ChaptersImportant Topics
Retail Banking: IntroductionEvolution of retail banking
Retail Banking: IntroductionFuture of retail banking
Retail Banking: Role within the Bank OperationsBusiness Models
Applicability of Retail Banking Concepts and Distinction between Retail and Corporate/Wholesale BankingDistinction between Retail and Corporate/Wholesale Banking
Branch ProfitabilityBusiness process structure
Branch ProfitabilityIntroduction of branch profitability
Branch ProfitabilityROA & ROE
Branch ProfitabilitySteps to improve branch profitability


JAIIB RBWM Important Topics
Module B: Retail Products and Recovery
ChaptersImportant Topics
Customer RequirementsMaslow’s Theory
Important Retail Asset ProductsHousing Loan under Prime Minister’s Awas Yojana (PMAY)
Recovery of Retail LoansSARFAESI Act
Important Retail Liability ProductsDemand Deposits
Important Retail Liability ProductsTerm Deposits
Recovery of Retail Loans Defaults & Rescheduling
Remittance ProductsRTGS, NEFT
Product Development processKYC Guidelines
Recovery of Retail Loans Debt Recovery Agents – RBI Guidelines
Uses of AI and Technology in Retail BankingArtificial Intelligence
Uses of AI and Technology in Retail BankingEvolution of AI
Credit scoringCredit Score
Branch ProfitabilityNet interest margin
Important Retail Liability ProductsInoperative accounts
Credit scoringType of Risks
Product Development processBasic Savings Bank Deposit Account (BSBDA)
Credit & Debit cardsCredit & Debit cards
Recovery of Retail Loans Provisioning norms
Important Retail Liability ProductsForm 15 G
Important Retail Asset ProductsCentral Sector Interest Subsidy (CSIS)
Important Retail Asset ProductsEducational Loans
Important Retail Liability ProductsSaving accounts


JAIIB RBWM Important Topics
Module C: Marketing of Banking Products
ChaptersImportant Topics
Delivery Channels in Retail BankingMobile banking operations
Delivery Channels in Retail BankingPoint of sale terminal (POS)
Delivery Channels in Retail BankingInternet Banking
Delivery Channels in Retail BankingAutomated Teller Machine
Delivery Channels in Retail BankingUnified Payments Interface (UPI)
Digitisation of Retail Banking ProductsDigital Lending
Delivery Channels in Retail BankingMPIN
Marketing: An IntroductionMarketing in retail banking
Marketing: An IntroductionProcess of marketing
Customer Relationship Management in Retail BankingCustomer Relationship Management
Marketing Information System- A longitudinal analysisMarketing Mix
Delivery ModelsDelivery Models
Marketing Information System- A longitudinal analysisComponents of marketing information system
Delivery Channels in Retail BankingBHIM App
Service Standard for Retail BankingBanking codes and standards Board of India (BCSBI)


JAIIB RBWM Important Topics
Module D: Wealth Management
ChaptersImportant Topics
Tax planningTax planning – Residential status
Tax planningIncome tax return – Important terms
Investment ManagementBasics of investment management
Tax planningInsurance
Importance of Wealth managementWealth management introduction
Importance of Wealth managementWealth management products
Tax planningCapital gains tax
Other financial services provided by banksPortfolio management vs investment banking
Other financial services provided by banksMutual fund
Tax planningShort-term capital gain
Other financial services provided by banksPortfolio Management Service
Importance of Wealth managementWill Writing
Other financial services provided by banksPara banking

Note: Refer EduTap’s YouTube Channel for dedicated JAIIB preparation. Here, you can find component-wise important questions.

JAIIB Preparation Strategy: Most Important Modules

Let’s further refine our JAIIB preparation strategy by determining which modules you should prioritize. This will help you decide which module you should start with and which one you can leave for the end.

JAIIB IE & IFS: Important Modules

Here’s how you should prioritize the modules of the IE & IFS component of JAIIB:

JAIIB IE & IFS Preparation Module Prioritization
  • Module D is the most important module of the IE & IFS paper as maximum questions are asked from it.
  • Do note that Module D may seem tough at first, as you need to memorize lots of things. However, with revision, you’ll find this module interesting and easy to cover.
  • After Module D, start with the Modules A and B. These modules are related to each other, making it beneficial to read them together. Moreover, module B is the second-highest scoring module, after module D.
  • Module A requires basic knowledge of economics, which most candidates have.  Therefore, completing module A would be comparatively easier. Once you’re done, you can get started with module B.
  • Once you’re done with modules D, A, and B, you can start with module C. This module has the least weightage and is quite time-consuming, which is why it’s last on the priority list.
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JAIIB AFM: Important Modules

Based on our analysis of previous year questions, here’s how you should prioritize the modules of the AFM component of JAIIB:

JAIIB AFM Modules Prioritization
  • Your top priority should be modules A & C, as 65-70% of questions are asked from these modules.
  • Next should be Module D as several easy questions in the exam are asked from it.
  • Finally, you can go to Module B. You can even ignore this module if you’re short on time.
  • Practice as many numericals as you can, especially from Modules A and D. Questions from these modules are primarily formula-based, making them easily solvable. Numericals from Module C are more complicated and require more time to solve.

JAIIB PPB: Important Modules

Based on our analysis of previous year question papers of JAIIB, here’s how you should prioritize the modules of the PPB component of JAIIB:

JAIIB PPB Module Prioritization
  • The maximum number of questions usually come from Modules A and B (more than 60 to 65%). So, while preparing for the PPB paper, it is highly recommended to start with Modules A and B.
  • Modules C and D carry 30-35% weightage. Skipping these modules just because their weightage is lower than modules A and B would not be a smart decision. Afterall, What would you do if the questions from modules A and B are too tough?
  • By covering the fundamental concepts of modules C and D, you will be able to answer the questions from these modules. This will not only help you qualify but qualify with good marks.

JAIIB RBWM: Important Modules

Based on our analysis of JAIIB previous year questions, here’s how you should prioritize the modules of the RBWM component of JAIIB:

JAIIB RBWM Module Prioritization
  • Start by prioritizing module B, as the majority of questions (around 36) were asked in the May 2024 paper from this module. This enables you to tackle the most scoring topics first, allowing you to build a strong foundation and boost your confidence.
  • The next step is to cover module D from which around 29 questions were asked. This sequential approach ensures a comprehensive understanding of key concepts and topics, allowing you to progress logically through the syllabus.
  • Modules C and A have the lowest weightage, as only 25 and 10 questions were asked in the May 2024 exam, respectively. Therefore, you can proceed with these modules after you’ve covered high-weightage modules i.e., B and D.
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JAIIB Repeated Questions

One of the most important parts of your JAIIB preparation strategy is identifying the repeat questions.

JAIIB IE & IFS: Repeat Questions

Here’s an example of a repeat question from the IE & IFS component which was asked in the October 2023 JAIIB exam:

Q. Which among the following is an example of activity of Quinary Sector?

  1. Corporate decision making. 
  2. Knowledge Center
  3. Health Sector
  4. Green Energy

This question wasalso asked in the June 2024 exam with a little modification:

Q. Which among the following sectors of the Indian economy is regarded as the “brain” behind an economy’s socioeconomic performance.? (Select the most appropriate answer from the options given below)

  1. Primary Sector
  2. Tertiary Sector
  3. Quinary Sector
  4. Quaternary Sector

To identify more repeat questions from the previously held JAIIB exams, you can download PYQs for free from here:

You can also check out this YouTube video, where our expert has discussed multiple repeat questions of the previously held JAIIB exams: JAIIB Repeat Questions.

JAIIB AFM: Repeat Questions

Here’s an example of a repeat question from the AFM component that was asked in the October 2023 JAIIB exam:

Q. ‘Bills Receivable A/c’ and’ Debt Receivable A/c’ are a part of ____ accounts.

  1. Nominal 
  2. Personal Representative
  3. Real Tangible
  4. Personal Artificial

A related question was asked in the June 2024 exam:

Q. Which of the following is not a type of personal account?

  1. Interest Paid Account
  2. Capital Account
  3. Santosh’s Account
  4. Rent outstanding Account

To identify more repeat questions from the previously held JAIIB exams, you can download PYQs for free from here:

You can also check out this YouTube video, where our expert has discussed multiple repeat questions of the previously held JAIIB exams: JAIIB Repeat Questions.

JAIIB PPB: Repeat Questions

Here’s an example of a repeat question from the PPB component that was asked in the October 2023 JAIIB exam:

Q. A _________ generally consists of the concerted efforts of a person/persons to prevent an internet site or service from functioning efficiently mainly through flood of incoming messages to the target system

A. Distributed Denial of service
B. Ransomware
C. Whaling
D. Phishing

A related question was asked in the June 2024 exam:

Q. What is a key consequence of a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack?

A. Increased internet speed for the target system
B. Enhanced security for the target system
C. Disruption of services, making them unavailable to legitimate users
D. Improved functionality of the target system

To identify more repeat questions from the previously held JAIIB exams, you can download PYQs for free from here:

You can also check out this YouTube video, where our expert has discussed multiple repeat questions of the previously held JAIIB exams: JAIIB Repeat Questions.

JAIIB RBWM: Repeat Questions

Here’s an example of a repeat question from the RBWM  component that was asked in the October 2023 JAIIB exam:

Q. Which of the following is a trigger for Operating Risk?

  1. Customer fails to pay
  2. Losing money due to wrong strategy
  3. Change in market prices
  4. Processing failures and frauds

A related question was asked in the June 2024 exam:

Q. Losses due to processing fall under which category of risk?

  1. Operational Risk
  2. Credit Risk
  3. Market Risk
  4. None of the Above

To identify more repeat questions from the previously held JAIIB exams, you can download PYQs for free from here:

You can also check out this YouTube video, where our expert has discussed multiple repeat questions of the previously held JAIIB exams: JAIIB Repeat Questions.

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JAIIB Preparation: Important Books & Resources

Here are the best books and resources for JAIIB preparation:

JAIIB IE & IFS Preparation: Important Books

Here are the books you should refer to for IE & IFS:

JAIIB IE & IFS Books and Resources
Best Books and Sources for IE & IFS Preparation
BooksAuthorPublisherBuy Here
NCERT Economy Books for Class XI & XIINCERT NCERTBuy Online
Indian Economy & Indian Financial SystemIIBFMacmillan Buy Online

JAIIB AFM Preparation: Important Books

Here are the books you should refer to for AFM:

JAIIB AFM Books & Resources
Best Books and Sources for JAIIB AFM Preparation
BooksAuthorPublisherBuy Here
Class XI – Financial Accounting Part 1NCERTNCERTBuy Online
Class XI – Financial Accounting Part 2 NCERTNCERTBuy Online
Class XII – Company Accounts & Analysis of Financial StatementsNCERTNCERTBuy Online
Accounting & Financial Management For BankersIIBF MacmillanBuy Online

Pro Tip: If you find the NCERT books too lengthy, cover these chapters only to save time:

  • Class XI Financial Accounting Part 1  – All 8 Chapters.
  • Class XI Financial Accounting Part 2  – Chapters 9,12,13.
  • Class XII Company Accounts & Analysis of Financial Statements – Chapters 1,2,3,4,5 and 6.

For modules C and D, the Accounting & Financial Management For Bankers from IIBF is probably the best resource. Its language, however, can be a little complex.

JAIIB PPB Preparation: Important Books

Here are the books you should refer to for PPB:

JAIIB PPB Books and Resources
Best Book and Sources for PPB Preparation
BooksAuthorPublisherBuy Here
Principles & Practices of Banking IIBFMacmillanBuy Online

Note. Several topics in this book have been taken from the RBI circular. So, if you’re referring to IIBF’s book for PPB preparation, don’t forget to keep an eye on the RBI circular for the latest information.

JAIIB RBWM Preparation: Important Books

Here are the books you should refer to for RBWM:

JAIIB RBWM Books & Resources
Best Books and Sources for RBWM Preparation
BooksAuthorPublisherBuy Here
Retail Banking & Wealth ManagementIIBFMacmillan Buy Online
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JAIIB Preparation: Additional Resources

Here are some additional resources for JAIIB preparation.

  1. IIBF e-Learning Portal

IIBF offers an e-learning portal where you can access digital study material, online courses, and mock tests to prepare for JAIIB.

  1. Online Learning Platforms

There are multiple online learning platforms that offer JAIIB courses..

  1. YouTube Videos

EduTap JAIIB YouTube channel provides free videos on JAIIB.

JAIIB Preparation Strategy : Study Plan cum Timetable

The next step is to make an easy-to-follow timetable to make your preparation convenient and more effective.

JAIIB IE & IFS Preparation Strategy: Study Plan cum Timetable

Here’s an easy-to-follow yet effective timetable to ease your IE & IFS preparation:

JAIIB Indian Economy and Indian Financial System (IE IFS)
Study Plan
ModuleTime Instructions
Module A: Indian Economic Architecture7 HoursThis is the easiest module
Factual learning is important
Module B: Economic Concepts Related To Banking5 HoursLearn the basic concepts and definitions
Conceptual learning is important
Module C: Indian Financial Architecture6 HoursQuestions asked are deep
Go through the facts and revise them multiple times
Module D: Financial Products And Services12 HoursThis is the most important Module
Questions asked from the chapters are deep
Total30 Hours
JAIIB IE & IFS Preparation Strategy Time Table

Here is a detailed video explaining the preparation strategy for IE & IFS:

JAIIB AFM Preparation Strategy: Study Plan cum Timetable

Here’s an easy-to-follow yet effective timetable to ease your JAIIB AFM preparation:

Preparation Time Table
ModuleTime DaysInstructions
Module A
Accounting Principles and Processes
6 Hours3-4Goal should be to build conceptual clarity
Module B
Financial Statement and Core Banking Systems
3 Hours2-3Learn the basic concepts about final statements
Module C
Financial Management
6 Hours3-4Definitions, Numbers, Basic numericals and formulae
Goal should be to build conceptual clarity
Module D
Taxation and Fundamental of Costing
5 Hours3-4You can fetch more marks with less effort
Total20 Hours
JAIIB AFM Preparation Strategy Time Table

Here is a detailed video explaining the preparation strategy for AFM:

JAIIB PPB Preparation Strategy: Study Plan cum Timetable

Here’s an easy-to-follow yet effective timetable to ease your JAIIB PPB preparation:

Preparation Time Table
ModuleTime Instructions
Module A: General Banking Operations15 HoursEasy and scoring Module.
A clear understanding of the topics is a must.
Module B: Functions Of Banks 12 HoursMultiple revisions of the important topics
A clear understanding of the topics is a must.
Module C: Banking Technology8 HoursTechnical topics
Need to have basic knowledge of ICT
Module D: Ethics In Banks And Financial Institutions10 HoursUnderstanding of the topic is important
Relate the theory with your day-to-day experience
Total45 Hours
JAIIB PPB Preparation Strategy Time Table

Here is a detailed video explaining the preparation strategy for PPB: 

JAIIB RBWM Preparation Strategy : Study Plan cum Timetable

Here’s an easy-to-follow yet effective timetable to ease your JAIIB RBWM preparation:

Preparation Time Table
ModuleTime Instructions
Module A: Retail Banking4 HoursSimple and scoring module
Module B: Retail Products and Recovery10 HoursLinked to banking workA clear understanding of the basics is a mustSolve JAIIB PYQs
Module C: Support Services – Marketing of Banking Services/Products5 HoursTheoretical Topics – so simple reading will serve the purposeLink it with your daily bank work
Module D: Wealth Management8 HoursCareful reading is required for a better understanding of the topicsKeep yourself updated with recent developments
Total27 Hours
JAIIB RBWM Preparation Strategy Time Table

Here is a detailed video explaining the JAIIB RBWM Preparation Strategy:

JAIIB Preparation Tips

Here are some general tips to keep in mind when preparing for JAIIB:

  • Invest more time in preparation on weekends.
  • Previous year MCQs are often repeated. Therefore, referring to PYQs can help you score better.
  • Attempt as many mock tests as you can. This will help you identify any potential issues and attempt the final exam with confidence.

Note: If you’re looking for a comprehensive solution that increases your chances of clearing JAIIB, you can opt for EduTap’s JAIIB Courses. It comes with recorded and live sessions, concepts, notes, solved PYQs, and multiple mock tests.

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Here’s a quick recap of the entire JAIIB strategy:

  • Identify the important topics of each of the 4 subjects.
  • Understand which modules are important and give time accordingly.
  • Identify and practice questions that are often repeated.
  • Refer to the recommended books & resources.
  • Follow the study plan cum timetable on a consistent basis.

By following this JAIIB strategy, you can not only streamline your preparation but also enhance your chances of clearing JAIIB.