Topics Covered: PFRDA Grade A Officer Notification, Exam Dates, Vacancy, Selection Procedure—Phase 1, Phase 2, & Interview, Pattern, Syllabus, Cut Off, Exam Analysis, PYQs, Preparation Strategy, Preparation Tips, Best Books for Preparation, Job Profile of a PFRDA Grade A Assistant Manager, Promotions, Salary, Lifestyle, Exam Centers, Application Form, Application Fees, How to Apply for the PFRDA Grade A post, Admit Card, Result, and Training

PFRDA Grade A Notification

The final result of the PFRDA Grade A 2022 exam was declared on 29 June 2022. No recruitment notification was issued in 2023. Will the next notification come anytime soon? Unfortunately, no credible information is available on this.

PFRDA Grade A Important Dates

Here are the important dates of the PFRDA Grade A exam:

PFRDA Grade A 
Important Dates
PFRDA Grade A Notification To be announced
Online Application Start DateTo be announced
Online Application Last DateTo be announced
Phase 1 ExamTo be announced
Phase 2 ExamTo be announced
Interview To be announced
Download Admit CardTo be announced

PFRDA Grade A Vacancies 

The last PFRDA Grade A 2022 notification was released on 9 September 2022. Below, we have mentioned the past years’ vacancies of PFRDA Grade A.


PFRDA Grade A Eligibility

PFRDA Grade A eligibility includes age limit, educational qualification, nationality, and number of attempts.

PFRDA Grade A Eligibility Criteria

Age Limit for the PFRDA Grade A Exam

  • The age limit is calculated as of the cut off date mentioned in the notification. 
  • The maximum age limit for the unreserved or general category is 30 years, while the minimum age is not mentioned in any notification.

Educational Qualification for the PFRDA Grade A Exam

  • You need to have a bachelor’s degree in Law/Engineering OR master’s degree/postgraduate diploma in any discipline OR ACA/FCA OR ACS/FCS OR ACMA/FCMA OR CFA.

Nationality for the PFRDA Grade A Exam

Only Indian citizens are eligible to apply for the PFRDA Grade A assistant manager exam.

Attempts Allowed for the PFRDA Grade A Exam

There is no limit on the number of attempts. You can take the PFRDA Assistant Manager exam as many times as you want, provided you meet the other eligibility criteria.

PFRDA Grade A Selection Procedure

The selection procedure of the PFRDA Grade A assistant manager exam consists of:

  1. Phase 1 (Pre)
  2. Phase 2 (Mains)
  3. Phase 3 (Interview)

PFRDA Grade A Pattern

Here is the PFRDA Grade A exam pattern:

PFRDA Grade A Pattern for Phase 1

Here is the PFRDA Grade A Phase 1 exam pattern:

PFRDA Grade A 
Phase 1 Pattern
PaperStream/SubjectsMaximum MarksQuestionsDuration
Paper 1
Multiple choice questions on the subjects 
English Language252060 minutes
Quantitative Aptitude2520
Test of Reasoning2520
General Awareness (including some questions related to the Financial Sector)2520
Paper 2Multiple choice questions on subjects Commerce, Accountancy, Management, Finance, Costing, Companies Act, Economics, and Pension Sector1005040 minutes
PFRDA Grade A Phase 1 Pattern

Additional Details of the PFRDA Grade A Phase 1 Pattern

  • The PFRDA Grade A Phase 1 exam is qualifying in nature.
  • It consists of 2 online papers worth 100 marks each. 
  • You can choose either Hindi or English language (except for the English language test). 
  • For every wrong answer, there is a 1/4th negative marking.
  • You need to secure separate cut offs in each paper as well as aggregate cut off marks in Phase 1 to be shortlisted for Phase 2. 
  • The minimum aggregate cut off marks will be decided according to the number of vacancies.

PFRDA Grade A Pattern for Phase 2 

Here is the PFRDA Grade A Phase 2 (Mains) pattern:

PFRDA Grade A 
Phase 2 Pattern
PaperStream/SubjectsMaximum MarksQuestionsDuration
Paper 1English (Descriptive Test) to test the drafting skills100360 Minutes
Paper 2 Multiple choice questions on subjects Commerce, Accountancy, Management, Finance, Costing, Companies Act, and Economics.1005040 Minutes
PFRDA Grade A Phase 2 Pattern

Additional Details of the PFRDA Grade A Phase 2 Pattern

  • The PFRDA Grade A Phase 2 exam consists of 2 online papers worth 100 marks each.
  • You can choose either Hindi or English language (except for the English language test). 
  • For every wrong answer, there is a 1/4th negative marking in objective Paper 2.
  • You need to secure separate cut offs in each paper as well as aggregate cut off marks in Phase 2 to be shortlisted for interview. 
  • The minimum aggregate cut off marks will be decided according to the number of vacancies.

PFRDA Grade A Interview Pattern

Candidates are shortlisted for interview based on their Phase 2 marks only (aggregated sum of 2 papers). Here is the PFRDA Grade A interview pattern:

  • The interview is conducted in person at various exam centers.
  • You can take the interview in Hindi or English.
  • The interview marks are not mentioned in the official PFRDA Grade A notification.
  • The weightage of marks obtained in Phase 2 is 85%, while marks obtained in the interview are given a weightage of 15%.

Read the PFRDA Grade A pattern article to get complete details of papers, marks, negative marking, language and mode.

PFRDA Grade A Final Selection

The final selection is based on the aggregate marks obtained in Phase 2 (Papers 1 and 2) and interview.

PFRDA Grade A Syllabus

Here is the PFRDA Grade A syllabus for Phase 1 and Phase 2:

PFRDA Grade A Syllabus for Phase 1 Paper 1

In the absence of an official syllabus for Phase 1, we have analyzed the previous years’ questions (PYQs) to list down the topics of each subject of Phase 1. 

PFRDA Grade A 
Phase 1 Paper 1 Syllabus
Ratio and Proportion
Profit and Loss
Simple and Compound Interest
Average and Ages
Time and Work
Pipes and Cistern
Time and Distance
Mixture and Alligation
Series and Quadratic Equation
Mathematical Inequalities
Number Series
Data Interpretation
Simplification/ Approximation
Quantity Comparisons
Data Sufficiency 
Alphanumeric Series
Coding and Decoding
Direction Sense
Ranking and Order
Blood Relation
Seating Arrangement
Critical Reasoning 
Questions Based on Data Sufficiency
Error Spotting
Sentence Improvement
Comprehension Ability 
Comprehension passage
Cloze test
Para jumbles
Double Fillers
Vocabulary – Synonyms, Antonyms, One-word Substitution, Phrasal Verbs
General Awareness
Current Affairs
National News: MoUs, Summits, and Major Events related to India
International: Summits and Conferences held abroad
Financial & Economics News
Financial Awareness: RBI and SEBI Notification and Regulations
Defence: Military Exercises, Drills, and Major updates related to the defence sector of India
Days in News: Major events or days, along with its date and theme
Persons in News: Obituaries, Appointments, and Retirements
Sports: Major Tournaments and its Winners
Science, Technology, and Space
Awards and Honours
Banking and Economy-Related News
Reports and Government Schemes
Books and Authors
Chief Ministers and Cabinet Ministers
National Parks and Sanctuaries
Airport Locations, Stadiums
Organisations’ Headquarters
Banks’ Headquarters and Taglines
Power Plants in India
Indian Dance Forms
Countries Capitals and their Currencies
Important Days

PFRDA Grade A Syllabus for Phase 1 Paper 2

Here’s an overview of the Paper 2 syllabus for the PFRDA Grade A Phase 1 exam:

PFRDA Grade A 
Phase 1 Paper 2 Syllabus
Commerce and AccountancyManagement
Accounting as a Financial Information System
Accounting Standards 
Cash Flow Statement Accounting for Share Capital Transactions 
Employees Stock Option and Buyback of Securities
Preparation and Presentation of Company Final Accounts
The Role of a Manager in an Organization
Leadership Styles
Human Resource Development
Economics Costing
Demand and Supply, Market Structures, National Income 
Balance of Payments, Foreign Exchange Markets, Inflation, Monetary and Fiscal Policy, Non-banking Financial Institutions
Overview of Cost and Management Accounting 
Methods of Costing
Basics of Cost Control and Analysis
Lean System and Innovation
Pension SectorFinance
Status of Pension Sector in India 
Types of Retirement Schemes in India and Their Features 
National Pension System 
Atal Pension Yojana
Annuity Plans 
Basics of Investment
Financial System 
Financial Markets 
General Topics
Company Act
The Companies Act, 2013 

PFRDA Grade A Syllabus for Phase 2 Paper 1 

Generally, 3 questions are asked from the following topics:

  • Essay
  • Precis Writing
  • Reading Comprehension

PFRDA Grade A Syllabus for Phase 2 Paper 2 

The syllabus of Paper 2 is the same for both Phase 1 and Phase 2. However, it is important to know that the difficulty level of Paper 2 is higher in Phase 2. 

PFRDA Grade A Previous Year Questions

Here are the PYQs of the PFRDA Grade A Phase 1 and Phase 2 exams with links to download in PDF format for free.

PFRDA Grade A Previous Year Papers of 2022 and 2021

You can easily download the memory-based, solved past year papers for the PFRDA Grade A officer in PDF format:

Phase 1 PYQs of 2022 and 2021
Memory-Based Phase 1 PYQsDownload Link
PFRDA Grade A Previous Year Paper 2022 Download as PDF
PFRDA Grade A Previous Year Paper 2021 
Phase 2 PYQs of 2022 and 2021
Memory-Based Phase 2 PYQsDownload Link
PFRDA Grade A Previous Year Paper 2022Download as PDF
PFRDA Grade A Previous Year Paper 2021

PFRDA Grade A Cut Off

Below, we have mentioned the cut off marks of PFRDA Grade A exam: 

PFRDA Grade A 2022
Cut Off Marks
Phase 1
Paper 122.00 22.0013.5013.5013.5013.50
Paper 216.5016.50 7.75 7.75 7.75 7.75 
Phase 2
Paper 151.00 51.0047.5047.5047.5047.50
Paper 233.7533.7526.0026.0026.0026.00
PFRDA Grade A 2021
Cut Off Marks
Phase 1
Paper 123.2523.2515.0015.0015.00No Vacancy
Paper 217.2517.259.509.509.50
AggregateCut-off has not been applied to the aggregate score.
Phase 2
Paper 143.5043.5040.2540.2540.25
Paper 229.2529.2521.7521.7521.75

PFRDA Grade A Analysis

Here is the analysis of the PFRDA Grade A 2022 exam.

PFRDA Grade A 2022 Analysis

  • The PFRDA Grade A exam in 2022 was of moderate level. 
  • Regular mock tests proved to be helpful for the candidates to answer the questions confidently. 
  • Surprisingly, the General Awareness section, often a source of anxiety for candidates due to its vast syllabus, was easy. Simple, straight-forward questions were asked from the GA section. 
  • Phase 2 was also of a moderate difficulty level. Candidates who practiced multiple mock tests were able to do well in the exam. 

PFRDA Grade A Preparation Strategy

Here is the PFRDA Grade A preparation strategy.

Preparation Strategy
20 Days20 Days20 Days30 Days After Phase 1
ManagementFinanceAccounts (Important Chapters)Accounts (Remaining Chapters)
CostingCompany LawEconomics (Important Chapters)Economics (Remaining Chapters)
Topic TestRevision (1 hour daily)Complete Revision (2 hour daily)Practice Descriptive English Daily 
Topic TestTopic TestFull Length Mock Tests (Every Sunday)
Full Length Mock Tests (on weekends)Complete Revision (2 hours daily)

Note: The above table is just a general PFRDA Grade A preparation strategy. You need to customize it according to your strengths and weaknesses.

Preparation Tips for PFRDA Grade A 

Here are the preparation tips for the PFRDA Grade A exam:

  • Allocate more time to weak areas while maintaining a balance with your strong subjects.
  • Cover important topics first.
  • Regularly practice mock tests for time management and exam simulation.
  • Review your performance in mock tests, identify mistakes, and learn from them.
  • Keep a separate notebook for important formulas, concepts, and notes.
  • Prioritize understanding over rote memorization.
  • Stay physically active and maintain a healthy lifestyle for optimal performance.

Best Books for PFRDA Grade A Preparation 

Here are the best books and resources to prepare for the PFRDA Grade A exam:

Books for Phase 1 Paper 1 of PFRDA Grade A 

The subject-wise PFRDA Grade A booklist for Phase 1 Paper 1 is given below:

Quantitative Aptitude Books
How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for CATArun SharmaMcGraw Hill Edge
Reasoning Ability Books
A Modern Approach to Verbal and Non-Verbal ReasoningR.S. AgarwalS Chand
English Books
Objective EnglishSP BakshiArihant 
General Awareness Books
We are not suggesting any book here and providing the most effective resources for GA preparation.
StaticNews and Notifications of RBI, SEBI, PFRDA, IRDAI, Finance MinistryThe Hindu& LivemintWeekly/Monthly Current Affairs Compilations/PDFs
Current Affairs

Following are purchase/access links for the listed resources.

Books for Phase 1 Paper 2 of PFRDA Grade A 

The subject-wise PFRDA Grade A booklist for Phase 1 Paper 2 is given below:

Commerce & Accountancy Books
11th Class Accounts NCERT Part 1 and 2NCERT NCERT 
12th Class Accounts NCERT Part 2NCERT NCERT 
Students’ Guide to Accounting StandardsDr D.S RawatTaxmann
Management Books
Principles and Practice of ManagementL.M. PrasadSultan Chand & Sons
Organizational BehaviourL.M. PrasadSultan Chand & Sons
Human Resource ManagementL.M. PrasadSultan Chand & Sons
Principles and Practice of ManagementTN ChhabraDhanpat Rai
Finance Books
Principles and Practice Of BankingIIBFMacmillan
Indian Financial SystemBharati PathakPearson Education
Bank Financial ManagementIIBFMacmillan
Indian EconomyRamesh SinghMcGraw Hill
Costing Books
Cost Accounting: Principles and PracticeM.N. AroraVikas 
Modern Cost and Management AccountingM. HanifMcGraw Hill Education
Companies Act Books
Companies Act, 2013 (Make it Simple by AUBSP)AUBSP
Economics Books
Indian EconomyRamesh SinghMcGraw Hill
Principles of MicroeconomicsH.L. AhujaS Chand
Macro Economics: Theory & PolicyH.L. AhujaS Chand
Pension Sector Books
We are not suggesting any book here and providing the most effective resources for pension sector preparation.
Atal Pension Yojana
National Pension Scheme

Books for Phase 2 Paper 1 of PFRDA Grade A 

The subject-wise PFRDA Grade A booklist for Phase 2 Paper 1 is given below:

Descriptive English Books
Following are the recommended resources that you must study for descriptive English:
Press Information Bureau
The Hindu
The Economist
Business India

Books for Phase 2 Paper 2 of PFRDA Grade A 

You can use the same books that are mentioned for the Phase 1 Paper 2 paper.

PFRDA Grade A Officer Job Profile 

PFRDA Grade A officers play a vital role in ensuring the security and stability of India’s pension sector. Here’s a breakdown of their key responsibilities:

  • A PFRDA Grade A officer is responsible for implementing and enforcing regulations, ensuring all pension funds comply with the set standards.
  • They actively participate in developing and updating pension-related policies to keep the system efficient and effective.
  • Through close supervision and monitoring, they safeguard pension funds, adhering to strict regulatory guidelines.
  • By implementing new policies and regulations, they work to streamline the pension system and enhance its overall security.
  • They actively participate in educational and outreach programs, promoting awareness and understanding of the pension system among the public.
  • A crucial aspect of their role is to identify and mitigate potential risks within the pension sector, protecting the hard-earned savings of India’s workforce.

PFRDA Grade A Officer Promotions

Here’s a breakdown of the promotions that lie ahead of a PFRDA Grade A officer:

PFRDA Grade A Promotions
PFRDA Grade A 
Grade A Assistant Manager (You will join here)
Grade BManager
Grade CAssistant General Manager
Grade DDeputy General Manager
Grade EGeneral Manager
Grade FChief General Manager
Executive Director
Whole Time Director

PFRDA Grade A Salary

  • PFRDA Grade A officers start with a basic monthly salary of ₹44,500. 
  • Including allowances such as house rent allowance (HRA) and dearness allowance (DA), the gross monthly salary can reach approximately ₹1,40,000.

PFRDA Grade A Officer Lifestyle

  • PFRDA Grade A assistant manager’s position provides a good lifestyle with a unique blend of work and leisure. 
  • With a competitive salary and a comprehensive benefits package, including various allowances and perks, PFRDA Grade A assistant managers have the financial freedom to maintain a good standard of living. 
  • The job offers a stable career path with opportunities for growth and advancement within the organization.

Important Note: The interview venue is mentioned in the interview call letters.

PFRDA Grade A Application Fee 

Here is the application cum intimation fee to apply for the PFRDA Grade A exam:

Category Amount
Unreserved/GEN, EWS & OBC₹1000 (inclusive of GST)

Important Note: Candidates have to pay the requisite fees only through online mode.

How to Apply for the PFRDA Grade A Exam

Follow the below-mentioned steps to apply for the PFRDA Grade A exam.

Step 1

Visit the official PFRDA website, i.e.,

Step 2

Open the “Careers” section link on the official website.

Step 3


Step 4

A new page will open to register and proceed with the application process.

Step 5

Fill in the required information like email address, name, etc. Click on the “Save and Next” button.

Step 6

You get a provisional registration number and password on your registered email.

Step 7

Log in using the provisional registration number and password.

Step 8

Fill in all the required details in the application form and upload the necessary documents.

Step 9

Carefully preview and submit the application form and proceed with the online application fee payment.

Step 10

Pay the application fees and take a printout of the application form and e-receipt for future reference.

How to Download PFRDA Grade A Admit Card

Here are the step-by-step instructions to download the PFRDA Grade A Assistant Manager admit card.

Step 1

Visit the official PFRDA website, i.e.,

Step 2

Open the “Careers” section link on the official website.

Step 3

Click on the link “Download the PFRDA Grade A Assistant Manager Admit Card”.

Step 4

Fill in the login details like application number and password, and log in. 

Step 5

Your PFRDA Assistant Manager admit card will appear on the screen.

Step 6

Download and print the document for future reference.

Follow the same procedure to download the admit card for the PFRDA Grade A Phase 2 exam.

PFRDA Grade A Result

  • The PFRDA Grade A 2022 Phase 1 exam result was announced on 21 November 2022, and the Phase 2 result was announced on 12 January 2023. 
  • The final result was announced on 3 May 2023. 

Click on the links below to download the PFRDA Grade A 2023 results:

ResultPDFs Links
PFRDA Grade A 2022 Phase 1 ResultDownload PDF
PFRDA Grade A 2022 Phase 2 ResultDownload PDF
PFRDA Grade A 2022 Final ResultDownload PDF
PFRDA Grade A 2021 Phase 1 ResultDownload PDF
PFRDA Grade A 2021 Phase 2 ResultDownload PDF
PFRDA Grade A 2021 Final ResultDownload PDF

PFRDA Grade A Training

  • After passing the PFRDA Grade A officer’s exam, selected candidates undergo a training program. 
  • This training program is intended to familiarize newly appointed assistant managers with their roles and responsibilities in the pension sector, enabling them to perform their duties effectively.


We have discussed all the essential information you need to navigate the PFRDA Grade A exam which includes notification, exam dates, vacancies, eligibility criteria, pattern, syllabus, cutoff, result, and more. We hope this information will help you get a complete picture of the PFRDA Grade A exam, and you can prepare with confidence.