You must be familiar with the latest UPSC EPFO syllabus for the EO/AO and APFC posts to know the subjects and topics. Understanding the latest UPSC EPFO syllabus 2025 also allows you to:
- Assess if your strengths and academic background align with the exam requirements.
- Identify any recent changes to avoid missing out on newly added topics and wasting time on deleted ones.
- Ensures your study material is aligned with the current syllabus
- Optimize time management by allocating sufficient time to each subject.
Below, I have mentioned the latest UPSC EPFO syllabus for EO/AO and APFC positions. But before we dig deep into the syllabus, let’s quickly review the UPSC EPFO pattern.
UPSC EPFO EO/AO & APFC Syllabus 2025
According to the latest available official UPSC EPFO notification, the syllabus of the UPSC EPFO EO/AO and APFC exams comprises the following subjects:
- General English
- Indian Freedom Struggle
- Current Events and Developmental Issues
- Indian Polity & Economy
- General Accounting Principles
- Industrial Relations & Labour Laws
- General Science & Knowledge of Computer Applications
- General Mental Ability & Quantitative Aptitude
- Social Security in India
Do note that the syllabus mentioned in the official UPSC EPFO notification is indicative. Therefore, we have deeply analyzed UPSC EPFO previous years question papers to identify the detailed syllabus for each subject.
Below, I have mentioned the comprehensive syllabus of UPSC EPFO EO/AO and APFC exams:
General English Syllabus for UPSC EPFO 2025
The English section in the UPSC EPFO exam assesses your ability to understand and use the language effectively. It tests grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and verbal ability through tasks like error detection, passage interpretation, and sentence rearrangement.
Below, I have mentioned the key topics for the English section.
- Parts of speech
- Structure of sentence
- Subject – Verb agreement
- Nouns and pronouns
- Verbs, tenses, and modals
- Preposition, conjunction, articles
- Adjectives, adverbs, determiners
- Reading comprehension
- Synonyms and antonyms
- Idioms and phrases
- One word substitution
- Rearrangement para jumbles
- Active-passive
- Synonyms
- Antonyms
- Syllabus
- Previous Year Papers
- Preparation Sources
- Strategy
General Science Syllabus for UPSC EPFO 2025
The general science section evaluates your knowledge of basic scientific concepts and their application in daily life. It covers topics from physics, chemistry, biology, space, and important technologies. Here you can check the key topics for general science.
- Units and measurements
- Kinematics including distance, displacement, speed, velocity, and acceleration
- Dynamics and Newton’s laws of motion
- Electricity
- Pressure and its applications
- Light – Phenomenon like refraction, reflection, total internal reflection, dispersion, diffraction, and interference
- Uniform circular motion and simple harmonic motion
- Physical and chemical changes
- Elements, compounds, and mixtures
- Atoms and molecules
- Chemistry in daily life
- Energy – renewable and non-renewable
- Metals and non-metals
- Acids and bases
- Food components
- Health and diseases
- Cells and tissues
- Organ systems – digestive system, skeletal system, muscular system, respiratory system, circulatory system and reproductive system
Space Technology (For APFC only)
- Satellites and orbits
- Indian space program
- Important space agencies of the world
- Applications of space technology
Important Technologies (For APFC only)
- Nuclear technology
- Biotechnology
- Information and communication technology
- Nanotechnology
Current Events Syllabus for UPSC EPFO 2025
It tests your awareness of recent national and international developments. It includes topics such as significant political, economic, and social events, government schemes, and global affairs. Below, I have mentioned the topics that you should focus on.
- Government schemes
- Reports of national and international organizations
- First in news
- Defence exercises
- Environment
- Sports
- Awards and milestones
- Days in news
- Persons in news
- Appointments
- Fairs and festivals
- Places in news
- Books and authors
- Miscellaneous
Indian Culture, Heritage, and Freedom Movement Syllabus for UPSC EPFO 2025
It assesses your knowledge of India’s rich cultural legacy, historical heritage, and the key events and personalities of the freedom struggle. Its syllabus includes topics such as ancient and medieval culture, monuments, art forms, and the socio-political movements that shaped India’s independence. Here is the detailed syllabus:
Decline of Mughal Empire and Rise of Regional Powers
- Reasons for disintegration of mughal empire
- Later mughals after Aurangzeb
- Emergence of regional powers
- Weakness of regional politics
Advent of Europeans
- Advent of Portuguese in India
- Dutch in India
- Advent of English in India
- Advent of Danes in India
- Advent of French in India
Rise of British in India
- Anglo French struggle for supremacy
- British conquest of Bengal
- British conquest of Mysore and Maratha empire
- British conquest of Sindh, Punjab, and Awadh
- British annexation beyond Indian frontiers
- Reorganization of British political system
- Police administration
- Revenue administration
- Significant policies of British to consolidate
Early Reforms During British Rule
- Administrative reforms under British rule
- Aspects of British administration in India
- Civil services
- Police system
- Judicial system
- The army
- Development in press
- Development in communication and education
- Development of railways
Revolt of 1857
- Causes of revolt of 1857
- Beginning and spread of revolt
- Suppression of revolt
- Cause for the failure of revolt
- Nature of revolt
- Consequences of 1857 revolt
Rise of Nationalism & Formation of INC
- Reasons for rise of Indian nationalism
- Political associations before Indian National Congress
- Highlights of pre – congress political work
- Foundation of Indian National Congress
- Early nationalists – the moderate era
- Contributions of moderate nationalists
- Powers and functions of parliament
- Prominent moderate leaders
- Indian council act of 1892
Swadeshi Movement and Rise of Extremisim
- Understanding extremists
- Swadeshi movement
- Morley Minto reforms
Important Events from 1908 – 1918
- First phase of revolutionary activities
- Delhi durbars
- First world war and nationalist movement
- Entry of Mahatma Gandhi in Indian freedom struggle
- Important congress sessions between 1908 – 1918
Important Events from 1919 – 1929
- Post war economic hardships
- Government of India act, 1919
- Rowlatt act 1919
- Non-cooperation and khilafat movement
- Swarajist and 2nd phase of revolutionary interview
- Growth of left movement in India
- 2nd phase of revolutionary struggle
- Simon commission and Nehru report
Important Events from 1929 to 1939
- Civil disobedience movement – first phase
- Karachi congress session
- Round table conferences
- Second phase of civil disobedience movement
- Communal award and Poona pact, 1932
- Government of India act of 1935
- Aftermath of civil disobedience movement
- Provincial elections of 1937
Important Events from 1940 to 1947
- Wardha resolution
- August offer and individual satyagraha
- Cripps mission
- Quit India movement
- Constitutional deadlocks after quit India Movement
- Indian national army and RIN mutiny
- Run up to independence
Socio – Religious Reform Movements
- Backdrop of Indian renaissance
- Important reform movements and their leaders – eastern India
- Important reform movements and their leaders – western India
- Important reform movements and their leaders – north India
- Other important movement and their leaders
- Reform movements of other religions
Miscellaneous Topics of Modern History
- Anti – colonial rebellions in India
- Tribal uprisings
- Politico – religious uprisings
- Major peasant movements
Miscellaneous Topics of Ancient and Medieval History
- Indus valley civilization
- Vedic age
- Rise of mahajanapadas
- Mauryan dynasty
- Post Mauryan
- Gupta age
- Harsha empire
- Delhi sultanate
- Mughal rule in India
Religion & Philosophy in India (For APFC only)
- Schools of Indian philosophy
- Buddhism & Jainism
- Bhakti & sufi movement in India
- Important saints in India
Sculptures & Architecture in India (For APFC only)
- Sculptures in Indus valley civilisation
- Ancient Indian art – Mauryan & Post Mauryan and Gupta & post Gupta art
- Sculptures under Delhi sultanate & mughal rule
- Modern sculpture
- Pottery in India
- Architecture during Indus valley civilisation
- Rock cut & cave architecture
Temple Architecture in India (For APFC only)
- Indo Islamic architecture
Indian Music (For APFC only)
- History of music in India
- Anatomy of Indian music
- Types of musical instrument
- Schools of Indian music – Hindustani & Carnatic music
- Popular folk music styles
- Popular folk theatre
Indian Dance Forms (For APFC only)
- History of dance in India
- Important aspects of dances in India
- Classical dance forms in India
- Folk dance forms in India
Indian Paintings (For APFC only)
- Pre historic paintings in India
- Mural paintings in India
- Miniature paintings in India
- Folk painting styles in India
- Modern Indian paintings
Indian languages & Literature (For APFC only)
- Language families in India
- Scripts in India
- Linguistic composition in Indian population
- Literature in India
Important Fairs & Festivals in India (For APFC only)
UNESCO World Heritage in India (For APFC only)
- Syllabus
- Previous Year Papers
- Preparation Sources
- Strategy
Governance and Constitution of India Syllabus for UPSC EPFO 2025
tests your knowledge of India’s constitutional framework, key governance principles, and the functioning of government institutions. It covers topics like the Preamble, fundamental rights and duties, directive principles, structure and roles of the executive, legislature, judiciary, and key constitutional amendments. Here are the topics that must focus to prepare this section.
Constitutional Framework of India
- Historical background of Indian constitution
- Making of Indian constitution
- Features of Indian constitution
- Preamble of Indian constitution
- Amendment of Indian constitution
- Basic structure theory of Indian constitution
Indian Union and Its Citizens
- Making of Indian union Indian citizenship
Rights and Duties of Indian Citizens
- Fundamental rights
- Directive principles of state policy
- Fundamental duties
Centre State Relations
- Legislative relations
- Administrative relations
- Financial relations
- Committees/commissions for centre state relations
- Interstate relations – interstate councils, zonal councils etc.
- Emergency provisions in India
Executives in India
- Union Executive
- President of India
- Vice president of India
- Prime minister of India
- Council of ministers at centre
- Cabinet committees
- State Executive
- Governor
- Chief minister
- Council of ministers at state
Legislatures in India
- Parliament of India
- Composition of parliament of India
- Presiding officers of the parliament
- Proceedings of parliament
- Legislative procedure in parliament
- Annual financial statement – budget
- Powers and functions of parliament
- Parliamentary privileges
- Committees of the parliament
- State Legislature
- Composition of state legislature
- Eligibility of a member of state legislature
- Presiding officers of the state legislature
- Proceedings of state legislature
- Legislative proceedings in the state legislature
- Election system in India
Judiciary in India
- Supreme court of India
- High courts in India
- Subordinate courts
- National legal service authority
- Tribunals in India
Constitutional and Non – Constitutional Bodies in India
- Major constitutional bodies
- Major non – constitutional bodies
- Quasi – judicial bodies
- Pressure groups
- Regulatory bodies
Local Governments in India
- Panchayati raj institutions
- Municipalities
Miscellaneous Topics
- Union territories
- Scheduled and tribal areas
- Special provisions for some state
- Comparison of Indian constitution with other countries
- Syllabus
- Previous Year Papers
- Preparation Sources
- Strategy
Present Trends in Indian Economy Syllabus for UPSC EPFO 2025
This section focuses on key economic developments, policy reforms, and sectoral trends shaping India’s economy. Topics include fiscal policy, monetary policy, and globalization impacts. Below are the key topics.
Introduction to Demand and Supply
- Microeconomics v macroeconomics
- Basics of demand
- Basics of supply
- Equilibrium
Elasticity of Demand
- Concept and factors affecting demand
- Shift in demand curve
- Price elasticity of demand
- Cross elasticity of demand
- Income elasticity of demand
Measurement of Growth
- Basics of economy
- Circular flow of income
- Gross domestic product
- Important macroeconomic identities
- Growth, welfare and development
- Market structures
Poverty Alleviation and Employment Generation in India
- Poverty
- Poverty and its types
- Measurement of poverty
- Poverty related sustainable development goals
- Employment in India
- Employment generation in India
- Types of unemployment in India
- Measurement of unemployment
- Status of employment in India
Economic History of India
- Indian economy: a brief overview
- Various sectors of the economy
- Features of the Indian economy
- Concerns facing the Indian economy
- Underdevelopment
- Meaning and types of economic planning
- Economic planning in India before and after independence
- Economic reforms in India
- NITI aayog
Monetary Policy
- Basics of monetary policy
- Monetary policy in India
- Instruments of monetary policy
- Types of monetary policy
- Financial institutions in India
- Meaning and its causes
- Effects of inflation
- Important terms associated with inflation
- Measures to control inflation
- Measuring inflation
- Inflation targeting in India
- Trends of inflation in India
Fiscal Policy
- Basics of budget
- Basics of fiscal policy
- Components of budget
- Measures of government deficit
- Public debt in India
- Goods and services tax
Regional Economic Cooperation
- Regional Economic Integration
- South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
- Association of Southeast Asian Nations
- Bay of Bengal Initiative for MultiSectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation
- Bangladesh, China, India and Myanmar
- Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership
- Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership
- One Belt, One Road and Maritime Silk Route
- Shanghai Cooperation Organization
- Indian Ocean Rim Association
- Indian Ocean Commission
- Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation
- India’s Experience with Free Trade Agreements
International Economic Institutions
- Introduction
- The world bank
- The international monetary fund
- World trade organisation
Opening UP of the Indian Economy, Balance of Payment
- Balance of payment
- Exchange rate
- Types of currencies
- Exchange rate management in India
Industrial and Labour Policy
- Introduction
- Evolution of India’s industrial policy
- Disinvestment
- Micro, small and medium
- Enterprises in India
- Special economic zones
- National investment and
- Manufacturing zones
- National manufacturing policy
- Industrial corridors
- Indices/surveys to measure industrial performance in India
- Labour policy
Finance Commission
- Appointment
- Composition of finance commission
- Roles & responsibilities
- Procedures and functioning
- 14th finance commission
- 15th finance commission
Download the UPSC EPFO EO/AO and APFC Syllabus in PDF for FREE.
Accountancy Syllabus for UPSC EPFO 2025
The syllabus includes core principles of accountancy, financial statements, ledger management, and basic cost accounting techniques relevant to organizational operations. You should focus on the topics mentioned below:
Introduction to the Accounting
- Meaning of an economic event
- Branches of Accounting
- Understanding the process of accounting
- Objective of Accounting
Theory Base of Accounting
- Accounting principles and conventions
- Accounting terminology
Recording of Transactions
- Business transactions and source document
- Accounting equation
- Accounting books – journal, ledger, cash book and other accounting books
- Rules of debit and credit
- Types of accounts
- Logic of recording of transactions
- Trial balance
- Concept, importance, and role of trial balance
- Types of accounting errors
- Formation of trial balance
- Suspense account
Bills of Exchange
- Concept and introduction
- Parties of bill of exchange
- Modus operandi of bills of exchange
- Promissory note
- Discounting of bills – process
- Rebate of bill of exchange
Accounting Standards
- Accounting for share capital
- Accounting for inventory and investment
- Accounting for bonus shares and buyback of shares
Preparation of the Final Accounts
- Understanding of trading account, profit and loss account and balance sheet
Ratio Analysis
- Concept and type of ratios
- Cash flow statement
- Syllabus
- Previous Year Papers
- Preparation Sources
- Strategy
Industrial Relations and Labour Laws Syllabus for UPSC EPFO 2025
Explores the framework of industrial relations and labor legislation, covering trade union acts, employment laws, and grievance redressal mechanisms. Here are the important topics:
Industrial Relations
- Overview of industrial relations
- Indian labour force
- Trade union
- Collective bargaining
- Industrial discipline and grievance procedure
- Industrial conflicts and disputes
- Settlement of industrial disputes
- Labour welfare
- Wages
- Workers participation management
- International industrial relations
- Industrial health & safety
- Miscellaneous
Labour Laws
- Payment of wages act, 1936
- Minimum wages act, 1948
- Trade union act, 1926
- Factories act, 1948
- Industrial employment (standing orders) act, 1946
- Industrial disputes act, 1947
- The child and adolescent labour (prohibition and regulation) act, 1986
- Inter-state migrant workmen (regulation of employment and conditions of service) act, 1979
- Payment of bonus act, 1965
- Building and other construction workers act, 1996
Labor Codes
- Code on wages
- Industrial relations code
- Social security code
- Occupational safety, health and working conditions code
Social Security Syllabus for UPSC EPFO 2025
It focuses on welfare schemes, insurance policies, and pension plans in India, emphasizing laws and provisions related to social protection for workers. Below are the key topics.
Social Security Schemes
- Types of retirement schemes
- National pension system
- Atal pension yojana
- Social security schemes
Social Security Legislations
- Employees compensation act, 1923
- Employees’ state insurance act, 1948
- Employees’ provident fund and miscellaneous provisions act, 1952
- Maternity benefit act, 1961
- Payment of gratuity act, 1972
- Unorganized workers social security act, 2008
Basic Knowledge of Computer Applications Syllabus for UPSC EPFO 2025
Includes essential computer skills, commonly used software applications, and an overview of hardware fundamentals. Emphasis is placed on practical and workplace-relevant knowledge. Check below for elaborated syllabus:
Introduction to Computer
- Computer – definition and major parts of computer
- Uses of computers, along with advantages and disadvantages of using computers.
- History of computer
- Generation of computer
- Types of computers
Computer Organisation and Data Processing Cycle
- Computer organization
- Data processing cycle
- Instruction cycle
Hardware and Software
- Introduction to the computer hardware and software parts, input and output devices
- Functions of motherboard
- Types of software
- Introduction
- Memory hierarchy
- Memory management
- Memory measurement
Operating System
- Introduction
- Functions of operating system
- Types of operating system
- Basic understanding of MS-DOS and windows
Computer Network
- Introduction
- Components of computer network
- Types of computer network
- Computer network architecture
- Network protocols
- Network topology
- Introduction to the internet
Commonly Used Short-cuts and Full Form Used in Computer Parlance
This section introduces essential keyboard shortcuts and acronyms commonly used in the digital and IT landscape, providing practical aids for efficiency.
Quantitative Aptitude Syllabus for UPSC EPFO 2025
This section tests your numerical problem-solving skills, including arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and data interpretation, with a focus on practical applications. You should focus on the following topics:
- Simplification
- LCM and HCF
- Percentage
- Ratio and proportion
- Mixture and allegation
- Profit and loss
- Simple and compound interest
- Average
- Time and work
- Pipe and cistern
- Time and distance
- Boats and streams
- Mensuration 2D and 3D
- Data interpretation
- Probability
- Syllabus
- Previous Year Papers
- Preparation Sources
- Strategy
General Mental Ability Syllabus for UPSC EPFO 2025
It accesses your logical reasoning, analytical thinking, and problem-solving skills. This section evaluates your ability to think critically and make quick, accurate decisions under time constraints. You must prepare the following topics to cover this section.
- Alphabetical and alphanumeric series
- Coding and decoding
- Syllogism
- Direction sense
- Ranking and order
- Blood relation
- Letter series
- Analogy
- Clock
- Calendar
- Dice
- Venn diagram
- Counting figure
- Cube and cuboid
Important Note: The syllabus outlined above is for the UPSC EPFO EO/AO and APFC exams. However, the UPSC EPFO APFC exam syllabus includes 4 additional subjects, which are mentioned below in detail.
Statistics Syllabus for UPSC EPFO 2025
The statistics section tests your knowledge of fundamental statistical concepts and their applications. It evaluates your ability to analyze and interpret numerical data effectively and apply statistical techniques to solve real-world problems. Check out the key topics:
- Basics of statistics
- Understanding of the core concepts
- Mean, median, and mode
- What is standard deviation and its use
- What is dispersion and its application part
- Sampling and different methods of sampling
Population, Development, and Globalization Syllabus for UPSC EPFO 2025
It covers demographic trends, sustainable development, and the impact of globalization on economies and societies, with a focus on interconnections and policies. Yous must prepare the following topics.
Indian Geography
- Landforms in India – mountains & hill ranges, plateaus, islands, etc.
- Political geography – borders of India, locations of states/UTs, etc.
- Drainage systems – rivers, lakes, wetlands, etc.
- Important places in news
- Distribution of global human population
- Population in India – attributes, distribution, and census 2011 data
- Concept of development – meaning, pillars, and processes
- Human development – concept and human development index
- Meaning of globalisation
- Triggers & barriers for globalisation
- Impact of globalisation
- Basics about pollution & climate change
- Syllabus
- Previous Year Papers
- Preparation Sources
- Strategy
Auditing Syllabus for UPSC EPFO 2025
It evaluates your understanding of auditing principles, standards, and procedures. Here is the detailed auditing syllabus for UPSC EPFO 2025:
- Nature, objective, and scope of auditing
- Audit strategy, planning & programme
- Risk assessment and internal control
- Vouching and verification
- Company audit
- Auditor’s audit
- Audit of different type of entities
- Classification of audit
Insurance Syllabus for UPSC EPFO 2025
It assesses your knowledge of insurance principles, policies, and regulatory frameworks. Below are the key topics.
Introduction to Insurance
- Insurance – basic concept and definition
- Risk and insurance
- Different parties of insurance
- Modus operandi of insurance
- Basic terminology of insurance
Principles of Insurance
- Principle of utmost good faith
- Principle of insurable interest
- Principle of proximate cause
- Principle of subrogation
- Principle of loss minimization
- Principle of indemnity
- Principle of contribution
Types of Insurance
- Life insurance and its types
- Term insurance
- Unit-linked insurance plan
- Pension plans
- Money back policy
- General insurance and its types
- Motor insurance
- Home insurance
- Fire insurance
- Miscellaneous other type of insurance
Insurance as a Part of Social Security
- Insurance schemes
- Insurance role in social security
- Difference between social security insurance schemes and private insurance schemes
- Current state of insurance in India
- Emerging concepts in the insurance industry
Now that you have a detailed syllabus, it’s time to understand the components you should prioritize in your UPSC EPFO preparation.
UPSC EPFO APFC Important Component
With such a vast syllabus, it can be overwhelming to know where to begin, let alone how to effectively cover the entire syllabus. However, our team at EduTap has thoroughly analyzed the previous year’s paper (2023) to determine the weightage of each subject.
Based on this analysis, I have identified the key components which are crucial for the UPSC EPFO APFC exam.
UPSC EPFO APFC Important Component | |
Components | Weightage |
General English | 20 questions (50 marks) |
Industrial Relations and Labor Law | 15 questions (37.5 marks) |
Accounting and Auditing | 15 questions (37.5 marks) |
Quantitative Aptitude | 15 questions (37.5 marks) |
As a result, these 4 components contribute around 162.5 marks out of the total 300. By focusing on these components, you can secure more than 50% of the total marks. Once you’ve covered these, shift your attention to:
- General Science
- Computer Awareness
- Polity
- History and Culture
These 4 components contributed approximately 90 marks in the 2023 exam, bringing a total of around 252.5 marks out of 300. By focusing on these key areas, you can cover roughly 85% of the syllabus. This leaves you with just 15% to tackle, making your preparation more focused and manageable.
Important Note: This analysis is based on the latest UPSC EPFO 2023 paper and is intended as a reference. Please note that UPSC may modify the weightage in future exams. Therefore, it is essential to prioritize these components but not to neglect the rest of the syllabus.
The purpose of highlighting these components is to help you understand which subject to prioritize in your preparation, ensuring a strategic approach while gradually covering the remaining topics.
Understanding the UPSC EPFO syllabus for the EO/AO and APFC posts is a crucial step in the roadmap to success in these highly competitive exams. By familiarizing yourself with the subjects and topics that are asked in the UPSC EPFO EO/AO and APFC exams, you can tailor your preparation strategy according to your strengths and weaknesses.