Topics Covered: UPSC LEO 2025 Eligibility Criteria, Labour Enforcement Officer 2025 Age Limit & Relaxation, LEO Educational Qualification, Nationality & Number of Attempts Allowed in UPSC LEO exam.

Understanding the UPSC LEO eligibility criteria is crucial for any aspirant. Familiarizing yourself with the age limits, educational qualifications, and other requirements can help you avoid any last-minute disqualification surprises.

So, before you fill out your UPSC LEO application form, I’m here to simplify everything you need to know about the eligibility criteria. By the end of this article, you’ll have a clear understanding of the requirements, ensuring you can apply for the UPSC Labour Enforcement Officer exam with confidence.

Let’s dive into the details of the UPSC LEO 2025 eligibility, including age limits and relaxations, educational qualifications, nationality, and the number of attempts allowed.

UPSC Labour Enforcement Officer Eligibility 2025

UPSC LEO eligibility criteria for the 2025 exam include:

  1. Age Limit
  2. Educational Qualification

Below, I’ll explain these LEO eligibility criteria in detail.

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UPSC LEO Eligibility Criteria- Age, Education, Nationality, & Attempts

Let’s walk through the UPSC LEO eligibility requirements step by step. This will ensure you’re completely clear and confident about your application.

UPSC LEO Age Limit 2025

  • The age for the UPSC LEO exam is calculated as of the last date for submission of the online application.
  • There is no minimum age mentioned in the official notification. 
  • The maximum age limit for UPSC LEO exam for the unreserved/general category is 30 years.
  • If you’re from a reserved category, don’t worry—UPSC offers age relaxations in the upper age limit.

Take a look at the UPSC LEO age relaxation table below to see the specific age relaxations offered for different categories. This will help you understand where you stand.

UPSC LEO 2025 
Age Limit and Relaxation
There is no minimum age mentioned for any category in the official notification.
CategoryAge RelaxationUpper Age Limit (Years)
OBC 3 Years33
SC/ST5 Years35
Ex-Servicemen5 Years35
Central Govt. Employees (Gen)5 Years35
Central Govt. Employees (OBC)8 Years38
Central Govt. Employees (SC/ST)10 Years40
PwD (General/EWS)10 Years40
PwD (OBC)13 Years43
PwD (SC/ST)15 Years45
The maximum age limit is calculated as of the last date for submission of the online application.

*For more information, refer to the official UPSC LEO notification 2025. 

UPSC LEO Age Relaxation for general/unreserved, OBC, SC/ST, Ex servicemen, PwD candidates, and more.
UPSC LEO Age relaxation and maximum age limit for general/unreserved, OBC, SC/ST, Ex servicemen, and PwD candidates.

Important Note: No cumulative age relaxation will be available to any applicant, as provided above. This means if you belong to multiple categories mentioned above, you can only use relaxation from one category. 

Now we know the age limit, let’s explore the educational qualifications required to apply for the UPSC LEO 2025 exam.

Here you can check the UPSC LEO pattern.

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UPSC LEO Educational Qualification 2025

Make sure you meet the required educational qualifications by the last date for submission of the online application. Here is the minimum essential and desirable educational qualification required to apply for the UPSC LEO 2025 exam:

Essential Education Qualification

To apply for the UPSC LEO exam, you must possess both a degree and a diploma in one of the specified subjects listed below.

  1. Degree in any discipline with any one of the following subjects from a recognized University or Institute:
  • Commerce 
  • Economics
  • Sociology
  • Social Work 
  1. Diploma in either of the following from a recognized University or Institute:
  • Law
  • Labour Relations
  • Labour Welfare 
  • Labour Laws 
  • Industrial Relations 
  • Sociology 
  • Commerce 
  • Social Work 
  • Welfare Business Administration 
  • Personnel Management

Desirable Education Qualification

1 year experience in either of the following:

  • Labour Law
  • Labour Welfare
  • Labour Relations
  • Personnel Management in an Industrial Organization 
  • a Government Establishment

Important Note: Qualifications are relaxable at the discretion of the Union Public Service Commission for reasons to be recorded in writing in case of candidates otherwise well qualified.

UPSC LEO Eligibility - Educational Qualifications

Can Someone with a Degree Outside the Above-Mentioned Specified Fields Apply for the LEO Exam?

To your surprise, that answer is Yes. individuals with a degree in any discipline from a recognized university or institution can apply for the UPSC LEO exam. This flexibility exists because the educational qualifications can be relaxed at the discretion of UPSC for reasons to be recorded in writing in case of candidates otherwise well qualified.

Important Note: While applying for the UPSC LEO exam, it is crucial to mention all your qualifications and experience. It is because, with a large number of applicants, UPSC may shortlist candidates for interviews based on factors like higher educational qualifications, relevant work experience, and other merits.

The above information is mentioned in the latest official UPSC LEO notification.

UPSC LEO Eligibility Important Note

Is a Distance Education Degree Holder Eligible for the UPSC LEO 2025 Exam?

Yes! If you hold a distance education degree, you’re still eligible to apply for the UPSC LEO  exam—provided your degree is from a recognized university and you meet the other criteria.

Let’s now explore the nationality-related eligibility criteria for the UPSC LEO 2025 exam.

Here you can find the detailed UPSC LEO syllabus.

UPSC LEO Eligibility 2025: Nationality

According to the latest official UPSC LEO notification, to apply for these exams, you must be either: 

  1. a citizen of India, or
  2. a subject of Nepal, or
  3. a subject of Bhutan, or
  4. a Tibetan refugee who came over to India before 1st January 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India, or
  5. a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania (formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia, and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India.

Candidates from categories 2, 3, 4, and 5 need a certificate of eligibility issued by the Government of India to apply.

Maximum Attempts for UPSC LEO

  • UPSC puts no limit on the number of attempts on the LEO exam.
  • You can apply for the UPSC Labour Enforcement Officer exam as long as you fulfill the general eligibility criteria—age, education, and nationality.

Can UPSC LEO Eligibility Change?

Yes, it can but we do not expect the eligibility criteria to change soon. There have been no changes to the eligibility criteria for the UPSC LEO exam in the past few years

However, if any updates or modifications are introduced, rest assured, I will promptly update the information here to keep you informed.

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I have covered everything you need to know about the UPSC LEO eligibility criteria. It includes age limits and relaxations, educational qualifications, and the number of attempts. I hope now you have a clear understanding of who can apply for the UPSC LEO exam.

However, if you still have some doubts, check out our FAQ section.